Originally posted by Axegrinder87
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My metal rig live consists of: (and I get nothing but compliments from other metal players on my tone).
Peavey Triple XXX 60w 1 x 12 combo. Its the first year original model
Rocktron Cyborg Digitial Destiny delay and a BBE Sonic stomp in the loop. Both are always on. They sit on the top of the combo.
Out in front I have the 3 button Peavey footswitch, a chorus pedal and my Morley switchless optical wah pedal. That's it. I run it unmic'd for small shows and I mic it for large ones. It sounds amazing. Clean is great, rhythm and lead channels (crunch and Ultra) are both good enough to be used as rhythm or lead channels. I happen to use the red channel for rhythm and the yellow channel for lead which is opposite of how most use it.
Its an amazing amp. Especially with the BBE in the loop.