So, I figured my old Fostex I was using as 'in between' to prevent digging under the desk for my PCIe interface
wasn't gonna last if I keep porking jacks in and out of its 2 inputs
Adding just an ADA8000 would give my 2-input soundcard 8 more, but at current, I have:
4 Preamps, 3 FX-units (2 capable of the three-cable method), 1 Tuner, 1 Poweramp and 2 synthesizers
Which gives me a total of 9 inputs and 15 outputs to route to the computer (running everything but the Synths mono)
So another logical step to that would be a Patchbay
That led me to a week of using my brain for other things than dirty thoughts
So far I've come up with this (excuse the size)

Every color group is a wireloom (2, 4, or 8, yes in the case of the dark blue group I'll have to snatch the leftover cable from the light blue)
'Purple' jacks are set to Half-normalized, 'White' are thru's, 'Black' not used/configured
In my noobish logical way of thinking patchbays -sans big hooters and 2 gallons of massageoil- I figure this setup gives me some advantages:
-No need to ever reroute my preamps' or the synths' (main) outputs
-Always possible to patch in something to any of the ADA8000 inputs
-Plugging into the preamps from the front of the rack or from the patchbay is possible
-Allows Pre- and Post- Amp FX
-FX units can be used for guitar or synths, parallel or in series
-No need to dive behind the rack to rewire, were my computer to crap out on me
-Still room to connect more units or/and go stereo with the FX
Only thing I'm not sure of is the placement
Perhaps connections at 10-17 are better placed before connection 6 and 1-5 therefore best at the end (13-17)
And that there are 2 connections (#1 front and rear, #6 rear) that violate the "Top connections are outputs, bottom connections are inputs"
Right now, I need a beer and a pornmag
wasn't gonna last if I keep porking jacks in and out of its 2 inputs
Adding just an ADA8000 would give my 2-input soundcard 8 more, but at current, I have:
4 Preamps, 3 FX-units (2 capable of the three-cable method), 1 Tuner, 1 Poweramp and 2 synthesizers
Which gives me a total of 9 inputs and 15 outputs to route to the computer (running everything but the Synths mono)
So another logical step to that would be a Patchbay
That led me to a week of using my brain for other things than dirty thoughts
So far I've come up with this (excuse the size)

Every color group is a wireloom (2, 4, or 8, yes in the case of the dark blue group I'll have to snatch the leftover cable from the light blue)
'Purple' jacks are set to Half-normalized, 'White' are thru's, 'Black' not used/configured
In my noobish logical way of thinking patchbays -sans big hooters and 2 gallons of massageoil- I figure this setup gives me some advantages:
-No need to ever reroute my preamps' or the synths' (main) outputs
-Always possible to patch in something to any of the ADA8000 inputs
-Plugging into the preamps from the front of the rack or from the patchbay is possible
-Allows Pre- and Post- Amp FX
-FX units can be used for guitar or synths, parallel or in series
-No need to dive behind the rack to rewire, were my computer to crap out on me
-Still room to connect more units or/and go stereo with the FX
Only thing I'm not sure of is the placement
Perhaps connections at 10-17 are better placed before connection 6 and 1-5 therefore best at the end (13-17)
And that there are 2 connections (#1 front and rear, #6 rear) that violate the "Top connections are outputs, bottom connections are inputs"
Right now, I need a beer and a pornmag
