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Marshall guys how do I get this tone

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  • #16
    I think the second clip sounds much better.
    Member - National Sarcasm Society

    "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


    • #17
      There are other clips on YouTube of these amps. But as far as I know I don't think the CCM was built and sold to the public other than maybe someone has some of these show amps/prototypes maybe? The Cameron CCV however was built is very small numbers and that's the amp I like and own. Cameron CCV's are killer! And the thing is there are so many ways to dial it in that two clips of the amp can sound drastically different. The clean channel is nice on it too and you get a built in solo boost knob which is kicked off/ on using a footswitch.


      • #18
        Originally posted by P I K A View Post
        Yea I know its not a Marshall but sounds close. Is there any amps in the Marshall range that can do that tone? All the clips Ive heard of Marshall sound bad or way too modern. I like this tone thanks .
        I would think the closest Marshall amp would be a 2203 or 2204.

        What you are listnening to is a medium gain amp. Take a 2203 or 4 and turn it way up.

        I agree.. the Splawn Quickrod sounds like that amp. So does the Soldano SLO100 when they are set a a medium to low gain setting.

        BTW... that CCM amp is a modern tone to my ears. Stock high gain Marshall amps sound NOTHING like that amp. Thank god. Personally.. I thought that clip sounded like canned ass.


        • #19
          John, you are one of the last true wordsmiths! You paint such a colorful picture with your posts.
          "I have so much gayness at times. My wife walks in my music room, and there I am, in my undies, listening to "Sister Christian" while lighting fireworks..doin' blow." - Bill Z

          "I leave off the back plate and pinch my forskin between the tension springs. That may not work for everyone. But I find that the people love it. Half the tone is in the pud." - Bill Z


          • #20
            I hear a LOT of Splawn there too. Not terribly attractive. Personally, I'd probably boost a JCM800 to get into that tonal neighborhood, and probably be happier. Heck - even a Single Rec with an OD would get into the neighborhood, but not be anywhere near as stiff. Camerons have a pretty distinct tone, much like Splawns do. I fall more into the Friedman side of the "modded Marshall" world - not as harsh, and FUN to play!

            One thought - maybe grab one of those Bogner XTC pedals (probably Red), and jam it in front of a Marshall. You could mess around with EQ in the loop too.

            Or...get an AxeFx or Kemper. Those amps are on there.


            • #21
              Once again I would caution you guys not to judge based on a YouTube clip recorded with a cell phone or handheld recorder on some random settings. Admittedly, Ive never seen or heard a Cameron CCM in person. My experience is with the Cameron CCV. Anyway, to see YouTube clips of some high gain amps done better check out this link: from there you can click on part 2. Its still limited by YouTube and your computer speakers but the recordings are a lot more professionally done. There is no CCM in there but the CCV is as is a modded JCM 800, Uberschall, etc...


              • #22
                Lugo does a great job with the Ampfest stuff for sure! Very good representations of what to expect. I have bought more than a couple amps based on the shootouts from his studio, and they were, for the most part, really accurate. If you have a good baseline to go off of and know what the "real" sound is like, you'll be able to easily discern the differences, although I will caution - you will get fatigued listening to it for very long. Write down the times of the amps you are most interested in differentiating, and you'll be able to get a quicker picture. The differences will be more apparent.


                • #23
                  Yeah, I don't think Ive come across any better done demos than James Lugo's. its especially nice to have the amps tested the same way by the same studio rather than comparing someone's clip from YouTube to another one done under different conditions at a different time. Sometimes its hard to hear a difference even on James Lugo's clips between amps but I think that's still due to YouTube. I'd love to hear his recordings in high quality burned to a CD. I bet they sound great!

