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TC Electronics G system issues.

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  • TC Electronics G system issues.

    Hello all,
    is it true that the G system has these common issues? I'm having a hard time believing it but I read a few different forums where people who own them said these common things.
    1) Latency - I can't even fathom it having this issue. It's a high quality unit with basically Rack quality effects and build.
    2) Tone Sucking - Another thing I can't wrap my head around with this unit. I would venture to think this would be a huge upgrade in preserving your amps tone vs things like the Boss GT-100 and the Line 6 HD500X correct?

    So I know I asked about this unit in the past but I'm still considering picking one up. I don't think there is anything else in it's price range that is better is there? For what it can do?

  • #2
    I'd like to know too. I'm biased and I wanted to get a G Major or G Major 2 someday.


    • #3
      I have a G major and it worked fine(gone to the axe fx). I never noticed any latency. still use it but for vocals, of coarse the G major and the G system are 2 different animals.


      • #4
        I have had a g major and also currently have a Nova system. None of those issues at all for me. With the nova V's say a M13 the 13 is more versatile and easier to program. That would be my only complaint though.
        I keep the bible in a pool of blood
        So that none of its lies can affect me


        • #5
          I gotta get one of these in my hands so I can decide if any of this is true.


          • #6
            I own a G-System and I don't experience any noticeable latency in any regard. As for tone sucking, I think the major issue is that some people can't figure out how to set it up properly. The most recent versions have a modified input stage that should make them less sensitive. I'm very happy about my G-System.
            Last edited by javert; 07-13-2016, 01:24 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by javert View Post
              I own a G-System and I don't experience any noticeable latency in any regard. As for tone sucking, I think the major issue is that some people can't figure out how to set it up properly. The most recent versions have a modified input stage that should make them less sensitive. I'm very happy about my G-System.
              Setup is what is lacking from manuals of this kind of thing. So you get one of these Multi effects units and you don't set it up properly. How are you supposed to know how to set it up properly.
              I have owned the GT series from Boss from the 8 to the current 100. No where in the manual tell you to setup the input of your guitar properly. I just learned that like a few weeks ago looking around you tube where someone figured out how to TEST the in coming guitar signal and find out where your clipping. Then you back of just until the loudest output of your guitar is just touching the Clipping level and you set it there. I never knew about this and Boss should have Installed a Patch to TEST your guitar input. How the hell is anyone supposed to know that level your supposed to set your input to without this tool? I personally find it completely frustrating on setup of these things.
              Most people who buy these things use the 4 cable method so you can place your effect in the order you want using your amp instead of the stupid modeling crap. So now you have send and return levels that you have no idea where to set them or how to test them to see if your levels are correct.
              Basic setup levels should have a Patch for each setting so you can test and find the proper level for your setup. I'm sure the G-system has the same issues and if they have setup guidelines and test patches or whatever they call them, that would be awesome. I would just go buy one today if that where the case.
              I hesitate to buy one on a few things.
              1) No expression pedal built on. You have to go purchase your own Wah or Volume or both. That kinda sucks compared to the GT-100
              2) No Built in OD or Distortion effects, again you go buy your own which I can see benefits to this approach but it falls short to the GT-100 as they have many built in.

              Other then those 2 things so far I can't find any other reasons not to get one. The price point is fine IF it's better then the GT-100 sound quality wise and I think this thing has a stereo out control for amps so if you have a 3 channel amp with no Midi control, you can switch all 3 channels or a 2 channel amp with Reverb or Loop control. This is a HUGE upgrade from the GT-100 as they only have MONO outputs for Amp control so you can only switch 2 channels. You can do things to get around this issue but it's a huge issue for 3 channel amps.
              I so LOVE the idea you can remove the effects unit and just use the floor controller. Now your Front of amp , Send and return cables now can be much shorter. Your guitar cable to the G- System is going to need to be a bit longer then if it was on the floor in front of you but That should be find if you keep it like 20 feet or shorter.


              • #8
                TC has a series of videos on setting up & adjust various aspects of the G System on their site. They also have a pretty extensive FAQ for all of their products.

                I believe they left drive effects out of the G System because their approach was different to Boss's. They weren't looking to emulate amp & cab sounds with this unit. It's designed to integrate effects into your rig with a floorboard controller. Use the drive section of your amp in the 4CM, rather than running into a clean amp (or your computer) to select pretend Rectos/Marshalls/Voxes, etc. If you want to incorporate your favourite dirt boxes, you can put them in loops of the G System and switch them in and out in your patches. Apparently integration with TC's own dirt pedals is excellent, but if you don't like them, do you really want the additional cost to build a couple of analog drives into the G System, like they did with the Nova? TC don't do digital emulations of dirt
                Hail yesterday


                • #9
                  Yes, the manuals are usually severely lacking for music equipment in general. I attribute it to the majority of the R&D people being hardcore engineers who do most of the work themselves, including writing manuals and making user interfaces. They should hire people to take care of that for them, but most of these companies are relatively small. Anyways, a guy wrote a fairly lengthy and detailed guide on how to set up the G-system:

                  I had a Boss GT Pro before moving to a G-Major and then the G-System. The Boss GT Pro definitely had bandwidth issues and resulted in a muffling of my sound. The G-System is much better, and TC's digital effect (delay, reverbs, and modulation) are top-notch.

                  You can even get the G-Systems dirt cheap used now, like the cost of a couple of individual high-end pedals.

                  I think leaving out overdrive/distortion was a good choice. They would have to do them analog to do them the way the finesmekkers would want them, which would increase the cost substantially, and people would still have their personal preferences for overdrive and distortion pedals.


                  • #10
                    Take a look at the Fractal FX-8. It's effects only and fully designed to be used in 4cm setups.
                    GTWGITS! - RacerX


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                      TC has a series of videos on setting up & adjust various aspects of the G System on their site. They also have a pretty extensive FAQ for all of their products.

                      I believe they left drive effects out of the G System because their approach was different to Boss's. They weren't looking to emulate amp & cab sounds with this unit. It's designed to integrate effects into your rig with a floorboard controller. Use the drive section of your amp in the 4CM, rather than running into a clean amp (or your computer) to select pretend Rectos/Marshalls/Voxes, etc. If you want to incorporate your favourite dirt boxes, you can put them in loops of the G System and switch them in and out in your patches. Apparently integration with TC's own dirt pedals is excellent, but if you don't like them, do you really want the additional cost to build a couple of analog drives into the G System, like they did with the Nova? TC don't do digital emulations of dirt
                      I think all those Amp modelers mic and cab things are useless. I use my GT only as an effects processor. I do however use the OD pedals over some cleans to get a rock tone. My amp is high gain and sucks for any kind of rock tone. It does metal and up and thats it on the gain channel. The clean is amazing so running pedals in front of that channel gives me flexibility.
                      The G system is more to what I want then the the GT in the sense it's effects only with Right control Midi etc. I still feel they should have at least put a expression volume pedal on it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by javert View Post
                        Yes, the manuals are usually severely lacking for music equipment in general. I attribute it to the majority of the R&D people being hardcore engineers who do most of the work themselves, including writing manuals and making user interfaces. They should hire people to take care of that for them, but most of these companies are relatively small. Anyways, a guy wrote a fairly lengthy and detailed guide on how to set up the G-system:

                        I had a Boss GT Pro before moving to a G-Major and then the G-System. The Boss GT Pro definitely had bandwidth issues and resulted in a muffling of my sound. The G-System is much better, and TC's digital effect (delay, reverbs, and modulation) are top-notch.

                        You can even get the G-Systems dirt cheap used now, like the cost of a couple of individual high-end pedals.

                        I think leaving out overdrive/distortion was a good choice. They would have to do them analog to do them the way the finesmekkers would want them, which would increase the cost substantially, and people would still have their personal preferences for overdrive and distortion pedals.
                        Thanks for the link dude, I'm gonna get my read on.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
                          Take a look at the Fractal FX-8. It's effects only and fully designed to be used in 4cm setups.
                          I watched the video on it. It's pretty damn sweet. I'd love to play though one, try it out and see if it's the right move. The G System is basically the same exact thing But the Fractal Claims to be the best at what it does. I'd like to hear one go. Do you own one?


                          • #14
                            I have an Axe-FX 2, but the effect algorithms are the same between the 2 units. Love the effects in it. The FX-8 doesn't do any amp or cab modeling. It's totally designed to be used in the loop or 4cm. If I decided to drop modeling for some reason, I would want an FX-8 for my effects.

                            (I don't see myself ever dropping modeling though.)

                            Unfortunately it's only sold direct so if you want to try one you have to buy it and then there is a return period if it's not for you. They just released a new MK II version with some slight improvements so now might be a decent time to score a used MK. I on the cheap.
                            GTWGITS! - RacerX


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mantis View Post
                              I watched the video on it. It's pretty damn sweet. I'd love to play though one, try it out and see if it's the right move. The G System is basically the same exact thing But the Fractal Claims to be the best at what it does. I'd like to hear one go. Do you own one?
                              The Fractal is newer tech. The G System hasn't been updated in years. So I wouldn't be surprised if the FX-8 has surpassed it. However, you can pick up the G System pretty on the secondhand market now
                              Hail yesterday

