So I've been using an unpowered Kemper rack for a while now and I absolutely love it. Took it on the road back during the fall and it handled every gig like a champ and never gave me any problems whatsoever. The one problem I have been dealing with is the actual amplification issue. Back home when I gig with my band, I use an EV ZLX12P on top of a rolling rack that a friend built for me. Only downside to this rig is that the case that the Kemper and the ZLX live in is extremely big and heavy. Too much weight for one person to carry, in fact. On the road, I condensed my rig and added a Crown poweramp and ran that into a 70's Kustom 4x12 and that seemed to do the job at every venue we played. However, if we played any places where we were not mic'd, I really couldn't hear myself over the bassist(6x10) and the other guitarist(4x12+1x15
). I do prefer the ease of use with a cabinet, especially since it's lighter, but I do like being able to use the Cabinets that are built into my profiles. I was kicking around the idea of the Gemini II since it seemed like just the answer I was looking for. Would doing the powered 2x12 give me more stage volume than my ZLX, and possibly my 4x12, even though it's only rated at 220w? Thanks for your input, guys!
