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Ty Tabor Tone

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  • Ty Tabor Tone

    I ask you brothers.... how awesome is Ty Tabor's guitar tone?
    Kings X is awesome and Ty's tone is still very refreshing. It has an element of Alex Lifeson in it. Summerland is such a great song. I love that touch of chorus in his guitar tone.
    I am in the process of restoring a really nice 1977 Lab Series L11. Can't wait to get it finished.

  • #2
    I've seen him twice, he's consistently good!
    "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
    - Ken M


    • #3
      For the longest time he actually covered his amps on stage so no one could see his "secret".

      I forgot what he finally revealed to be his amp setup, and he may have changed it again since then, but it was something obscure....
      '95 Charvel San Dimas USA Model I Koa - BKP
      '91 Charvel 650 Custom - EMG 85/SLV/SLV+SPC
      '92 Jackson Soloist Pro MIJ
      '91 Charvel 475 Exotic Cherry Sunburst - Duncan PATB set
      '90 Charvel 475 XL
      '10 Charvel San Dimas MIJ Style 1 2H - JB/'59
      Mesa Boogie Quad Preamp/Stereo Simul-Class 2:90
      Mesa Boogie MkIII+ Simul-Class & MkIVb with Mark Series stack
      Marshall JVM410H


      • #4
        He's using mostly Orange and Line 6 now I think.

