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think i need tibes

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  • think i need tibes

    when my amp is on the lights are dim and i turn off the standby the lights go blue does this sound bad? and what kind of tubes were used in the fender twin reverb 100watt tube amp

    and how do i remove the tubes from my amp?

  • #2
    Re: think i need tibes

    I'm no expert on tube amps, but a 30 second google search produced the following. No, the blue glow isn't bad. Read the link below. Blue Tube Glow Explained

    As to what tubes came in your Fender originally, I have no clue. I'm sure it would depend on what year, what tubes were available, etc...

    Taking your tubes out consists of making sure the amp is turned off, unplugged for safety sake, taking off whatever is covering the tubes and pulling them out of the socket. That pretty much sums it up.

    If you have other questions you might want to try the Fender forum for specifics on your Twin. I'm sure there are some Fender amp nuts that could tell you everything down to the stock number for the tolex used year by year.



    • #3
      Re: think i need tibes

      Many tubes will glow a nice dark blue...It's from impurities, like cobalt, flourescing when electrons from the cathode hit parts in the tube. Svetlana tubes usually do it for one. It's just part of the way they operate inside.

      However, ionized air that has leaked into the tube is a strong purple, almost pink. That means the tube is on it's way out and it's time to replace it, like now...

      [ January 30, 2003, 10:50 PM: Message edited by: Cleveland Metal ]

