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single rectifier or rect o verb combo

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  • single rectifier or rect o verb combo

    I have a single rect o verb 1x12 cimbo. Im thinking of selling it or trading it for a single rectifier. This a just stupid idea or should I go for it. The combo is great and all but its really heavy and whenever I play anywhere its a pain to haul it around. I have a genz benz 2x12 george lynch cab and its pretty light weight so I was thinking if I got a single rectifier head it would be easier to haul it all. Does anyone know if the single recto sounds better than the rect o verb combo? Or am I stupid, and they sound the same? thanks for anyones help.

  • #2
    Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

    I think that the combo would be easier to lug around than a head and cabinet anyday of the week. So that should sway you in favor of keeping the combo. As to whether or not a combo sounds different than a single recto with a seperate cabinet, a genz benz 2 X 12, I would say it probably will sound a little different. How much difference I cannot say. Your best bet would be to try them side by side if you can. Maybe you can go to a mesa dealer who has both your amp and a single recto and see if they would let you hook your cab up to the single. Then you could see if you like the sound better, and if you do is it enough of an improvement to warrant selling you combo and buying the single recto.

    hpets [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

      Well Im going to have to lug the genz benz with the combo because I cant deal without the cab cuz it sounds so good. So I an either carry a heavy combo and a cab or a not so heavy head and cab. Ill wait for my local shop to get in a new single recto and go try it out.


      • #4
        Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

        Sounds like you should go for the head to me.


        • #5
          Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

          thanks chuch thats what i was thinking. Maybe Ill try for a rect-o-verb head. Or just a good ole single rectifier. Anyone own a new single rectifier? If so how are they? thanks fellow jackson lovers.


          • #6
            Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

            Troy has one and so does Pete


            • #7
              Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

              Yup, still love mine. I ditched the Stock 6L6's and put in EL34's. Other than that, she's bone stock.


              • #8
                Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

                Mine is a series I - they had slightly different circuitry - the IIs have an extra mode I think. I know the IIs have an EL34 or 6L6 switch. The IIs I've played through don't sound as good *to me* as the Is, but it's apples and oranges, imho. Mine is running a pair of NOS 5881 Tungsols for power tubes, which I'm really enjoying. I don't think you'd go wrong with either version.



                • #9
                  Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

                  I just convinced my singer/second guitarist to get one. He has a Marshall 4100 (yuk) and a Laney GH120 solid state(only slightly less yuk).
                  He is definately NOT a gear head, so thats where I come in. The Single Recto offers all the features he needs (clean, killer distortion, lead boost), nothing he dosen't need, a good price, and a damn good sound. I took him to a shop to play one today, and frankly forgot how good they sound!
                  I love my SLO, and so does he, but frankly I need something a tad more flexable too, and I'm strating to scheme again!


                  • #10
                    Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

                    Hey Chuck - Is your other guitarist thinking of selling his Soldano or just supplementing? How does the single Recto compare?



                    • #11
                      Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

                      Just supplementing. I'm a BAD influence on him!

                      They both sound damn good, but quite different. We're thinking the mix, with a head router, may be way cool.


                      • #12
                        Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

                        I'm a BAD influence on him!
                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">[img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Yes, yes you are.... [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                        • #13
                          Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

                          [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Yeah, he was all happy with his JCM900 Dual Reverb Marshall when I walked in with the SLO and G65 Celestions. He he...

                          He about fell over when he heard it.

                          I'm tryin to talk him into an Ecstacy, but I may have to go that route myself.


                          • #14
                            Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

                            Thanks for all the help guys. Ill ask my local shop if I can trade it for a single recto head. the combo cost me like $1225 so the head should be a straight up trade cuz I kept it in great condition.


                            • #15
                              Re: single rectifier or rect o verb combo

                              chuck nothing wrong with a jcm 900

