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Framus Amplifers

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  • Framus Amplifers

    The other day I was at my fave music store here in Austin, Music Makers, to get strings for the show last night. I noted a Tom Anderson guitar on the wall and inquired. Jimmy (my bud who works there) got it down and I took a look.

    The fretwork on that guitar was FU#KING AMAZING. BEAUTIFUL. By far the SWEEEETEST fret dressings I have EVER seen. For a bolt-on neck, the guitar played great, too. SMOOOOOTH! Check one out if you get a chance. They're cool. But hey, even with nice fret dressing, they're NOT a USA Jackson!!! I'll stick to my baby (RR1).

    Jimmy turned me on to this kick-ass amp, a Framus Cobra. It's German, 100 watts, hand-wired, 3-channels, etc, etc., etc., here's the web page for details: COBRA head

    What amazed me was the tone of the amp. Man, was it ever clean! The clean channel was pure bliss... reminded me of the old '70's Twin I used to have, only cleaner and saaaaawweeeet. The crunch and lead channels sounded great too. Something quite splendid about the tone in that thing.

    It's interesting though, the Cobra sounds like a really good mix of Marshall and Recto together.

    I just wanted to share that with you and ask if anyone else has experienced a Framus amp and what they thought. Do you know anyone who owns one? I'm seriously considering getting one some day down the line.

    Ma widdle pwace on da web

    [ February 23, 2003, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Annah ]

  • #2
    Re: Framus Amplifers

    I didn't even know Framus made amps! I have a Framus 12-string neck in my pile o'parts, and Jan Akkerman of Focus played
    Framus guitars at one time.

    I will definitely check one out if I see
    one; it looks pretty cool and the descriptions (both yours and the website's) sound really good. Did the saleman tell you the price?

    Thanks for posting that, Annah!

    Ron is the MAN!!!!


    • #3
      Re: Framus Amplifers

      I agree with you Annah on the Andersons...great guitars...


      • #4
        Re: Framus Amplifers

        List on the Cobra is $2999. I bet it's a killer amp, but holy cow, I can think of a LOT of other amps that are much less than that I'd rather have.

        Regarding Andersons - a guy I was in a band with had a NAMM show one that was really nice. I know I'm going to get doubted on this, but my Red '95 USA Charvel played and sounded better. His guitar did have a sweet quilt top on it, but it wasn't worth four times what I paid for mine.



        • #5
          Re: Framus Amplifers

          andersons destroy everything. sooner or later people will realize this. I went through the chugga chugga phaze as a kid, every guitar had to be able to rip your face off. as I matured, and owning two drop tops for about a year now, I can honestly say nothing can touch them.

          I'd like to hear the framus amps, nobody here in ohio sells them.



          • #6
            Re: Framus Amplifers

            Apples and oranges Dave. my Charvel strat is a strat - no floyd, 22 frets, 3 singles, etc... and the friend of mine who owned an anderson admitted the charvel sounded better. The neck was no contest either, in my opinion, but he prefers the feel of the Anderson.
            Andersons are nice, I just don't get the hype. And I worked in a music store for years, and got to play some guitars that most people don't - a '54 strat, '50s gold top les paul, early 1900s Gibson acoustic (total turd, btw) etc.


