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Sarj needs amp suggestions..

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  • Sarj needs amp suggestions..

    Now that I have a few more guitars in the lineup, I need to look a little more into my rig. I am currently using a CRATE GX65 combo with a BOSS Metal Zone, DOD FX9 Delay and Morely Wah. I have been successful at getting some decent tone from this setup, but I seem to be gravitating towards something more. I plugged my effects into a friends bass amp and it has a 7 band EQ. It sounded 10 times better than my amp. It had a very focused and tight sound. The volume wasn't there, but it just sounded good. I was thinking about adding a 4X12 cab and an EQ pedal to my rig. I have been debating buying an AVT50 combo and getting a 4X12 cab. Can anybody make a suggestion.........low cost suggestion? I know I've come to the right place.

  • #2
    Re: Sarj needs amp suggestions..

    What are your influences, or what type of sound/tone are you shooting for?


    • #3
      Re: Sarj needs amp suggestions..

      If your planning on playing louder than bedroom volume, I wouldn't go with an AV series Marshall. They tend to get real thin and bad sounding if you turn them up past 4 or 5.
      Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!


      • #4
        Re: Sarj needs amp suggestions..

        i was looking for amps awhile ago and i tried out alot of amps (fender ultimate, line 6 ax2, marshall avt, peavey transtube, triple x, 5150, mesa f series), but the best bang for the buck has to go to my randall rh100 which is solid state, has a great modern gain channel, and the clean sound is more than decent. all this in a very affordable package.


        • #5
          Re: Sarj needs amp suggestions..

          go for a single rectifier.
          Widow - "We have songs"


          • #6
            Re: Sarj needs amp suggestions..

            I think I found my problem.......EQ. I just put a DOD EQ pedal in line with my effects and amp and it made a load of difference. All I need now is a decent 4X12 cab to handle the scooped mid, heavy bottom tone I use. I like the Metallica scooped mid sound as well as the George Lynch sound from the old days. I like a alot of bottom end and a searing high mixed in. I don't like mids at all. If I'm playing blues stuff or clean I like to throw the mids back in. I like Dime Bag Darrel's sound alot. I think his sound sums up what I'm looking for. The EQ made a very big difference for the low volume. Now to find a decent budget priced 4X12 cab...............Anymore suggestions?


            • #7
              Re: Sarj needs amp suggestions..

              Get a used Marshall cab, and then you'll never have to worry about another cab again unless you start getting into the crazy stuff like Uberschalls and the like. Spend the $ on a decent cab and it'll help your tone a lot, plus when you upgrade to a better amp you'll already have a good cab. I've seen em in pawn shops a little scuffed for $350-$400.



              • #8
                Re: Sarj needs amp suggestions..

                Hey, we're still running the Ubers and VHT2150s through old 75 watt celestions, and doing pretty good so far. Sounds like a good plan to me Pete...

