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WOW! video clips of cool amps

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  • WOW! video clips of cool amps

    Ok guys, check this out:

    Bill Staley (bstaley on the old JCF board I think and also harmony central, not sure if he's on this new JCF) posted the link at harmony central. Basically, it was an ampfest - a ton of guys brought everything from Mesas to Bogners to Diezels, to Engls to *cough* the Egnater TOL I bought. : )

    These are video clips, and there are some awesome players here too.

    I found this link AFTER I bought the . Check it out against the 'boutique' amps like Diezel, The Bogner Shiva, Some voodoo modded amps, etc. The guy I bought it from is playing the Eggie in the clips, he's awesome.

    BTW, if the link is kinda slow, relax... Bstaley did a LOT of hard work to put the site and clips up, and just DL one at a time to keep from saturating the server. If you read this Bill - you ROCK!


  • #2
    Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

    so far i like the pitbull the best
    1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


    • #3
      Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

      Very cool Pete (and Bill) and thanks for posting this! Gives you a fairly good idea of the strengths and weaknesses of the various amps shown. I haven't seen (heard) them all, but so far I think the Triaxis with the VHT power amp was very well represented as was the Engl Powerball and the Egnaters.

      I know the Triaxis sometimes takes a beating around here, but I've been happy with my Triaxis and VHT 2/90/2. Gain definition issues with the Triaxis seems to be helped by using the brighter VHT rather than the Mesa power amp.

      I was personally disappointed by the Diezel VH4 demo. I was expecting a lot more, but I realize the player and the fact than we're listening to it through the computer presents some limitations.

      Thanks again ...



      • #4
        Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

        Great stuff, that would have been great fun!!!


        • #5
          Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

          It's taking me a week and half to d/l each clip, but I'm loving what I've seen (and heard) so far. I LOVE that Soldano. Just gotta win Lotto now and I'll be rockin' [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

          Thanks Pete for throwing up the link, and thank especially to Bill for putting it all together. Looks like a great day in [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
          Hail yesterday


          • #6
            Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

            I am downloading all the ones I want to hear 1 at a time like you said Pete. Thanks for the link!


            • #7
              Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

              1.7kps over here tonight and I got sick of waiting.


              • #8
                Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

                I was the same Chuck. So I'd start one up and go find something else to do while I waited. Had one by the time I picked up my daughter from school, had another by the time I picked up the wife. And I'm currently pulling about 15kps, so I should be able to grab a couple more as I catch up on the JCF.

                I could try emailing you a couple, Chuck, if your mail server can handle it

                Man, so many cool sounds! Now I'm wanting a, an the VHT UL. Or the Egnater. The Triaxis sounded cool too.

                Plus it's nice to know that owning a sexy hot amp and expensive guitar isn't gonna make you play better. Even I could hang with some of the guys there. Although some of them are SERIOUS guns
                Hail yesterday


                • #9
                  Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

                  I'll try the "walk away" method, too.

                  I would've liked to hear an SLO on there. That's one really cool thing about that head-it made me tighten my shiot up! Man, you start gettin too cool with that thing and maybe get a little sloppy, and it about sends up fireworks with "hack" spelled out and an arrow pointing at you! You CANNOT just wiz around and cover it the slop with distortion. I like what that has done for my playing!


                  • #10
                    Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

                    Now, I am absolutely serious here...why in the bloody hell doesn't my Triaxis sound like that?! I've had it for...I guess 2 years...I bought it used, it was 5 years now I guess it's 7 years old...and I have never been able to get it to sound like that [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] Do I really suck at getting tones out of amps? I mean...Triaxis, Mesa 50/50...Avatar with V30's...Jackson SL2H with Seymour Duncan Live Wires...and I'm gonna buy a good cable soon too...where have I gone wrong? My tones are never that thick, precise, articulate and tight. Anybody know what I've done to always find my tones lacking?



                    • #11
                      Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps


                      I'm also a Triaxis user and I've thickened up my tone and gotten fairly close to what was represented in the video. For one, I use a VHT 2/90/2 as a power amp which I believe makes the sound brighter and more up front. I also took out the Mesa tubes in the Triaxis and replaced them with Chinese 12ax7's. I also use the G-Major's EQ function to fatten things up before hitting the power amp.

                      There's so many variables that you just have to tweek, tweek and tweek until you're satisfied ...

                      Good luck,




                      • #12
                        Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

                        Yeah...I actually improved my tone by putting Mesa tubes in the pre and power amp instead of Electro-Harmonix...but aren't Mesa 12ax7's Chinese, or are they Russian? I'll have to check. But the Power amp tubes made a huge, very noticable and improved difference. I have a Roland SRQ-2031 eq...but when I try to use it...I seem to either lessen the quality of tone I got from my triaxis...or I just find I like the original tone better...but just needing fixing I couldn't ever get with the eq. Who knows what I need to do...well, thanks for your aren't the first to mention the difference with a VHT power amp. But that's a monetary endeavor for which I'm not yet ready. I'll just play with my eq more and try different things. I'm always learning more and more about tone and little nuances that make a big difference.



                        • #13
                          Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

                          Originally posted by Chuckracer:
                          1.7kps over here tonight and I got sick of waiting.
                          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">It's cool dude - I slipped a CD into Mark's amp box. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] I got most of the cool ones on the CD for ya, including clips of the TOL100 I bought. They had it at the ampfest. I think it held up pretty well against the other amps. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]



                          • #14
                            Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps


                            The Mesa tubes that were in my Triaxis originally were definitely Russian and it was printed right on the tube. Give the Chinese a try. When I switched mine out, I noticed an immediate difference.




                            • #15
                              Re: WOW! video clips of cool amps

                              Crap it take forever to DL one clip and i got a Cable modem
                              i would Zip those clips

