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Amp Help please!

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  • Amp Help please!

    I bought a JCM900 4102 for real cheap a while ago (€300 or $300). I bought a set of 4 JJ EL34Ls and 3 JJ 12AX7 preamps. I got them fitted and started running an old Marshall Guvnor pedal as a signal booster. Althought the tubes and the pedal greatly improved the sound I'm still not quite happy with it. I have no idea about how to set up the EQ's (on amp and on od pedal) or if I should by a preamp such as the EMG PA-2 or a EQ like the GE-7. Basically I'm an idiot when it comes setting up amps!! Can anyone give me a hand? I'm looking for a crunchy 80s kind of distosion. And please don't say buy amp xxx or whatever because I don't have the money at the moment.


  • #2
    Re: Amp Help please!

    I used to run two 4100 series Marshalls and had a pretty good tone from them... Pretty heavy sounding and I received a lot of compliments from people telling me they were the best sounding 900s they'd ever heard... I sorta felt the amps lacked bass though.

    I used a Nady 201 in the front to boost the signal and heat up the front end. It helped crunch things up a LOT compared to the cord. So, I'd say to try the PA-2 for sure, as it would do the same thing and probably do it quieter than the Nady did, haha... I think that would really help give more edge and crunch.

    I also ran an EQ in the loop. You "could" try the GE-7 eq there and see how it works. Myself, I ran an old Rockman EQ and later on, I started using an Alesis PEQ-231 which was a bit quieter. But, I feel the rockman was pretty cool for guitar.

    I tried a BBE 422a in the loop as well. It was "ok" and and improved the bass response a quite a bit. I'd use it on and off for a couple years. But. I think a good EQ would be fine and to my ears at this point, better... I lost my interest in the BBEs...

    That should help a lot dude...


    • #3
      Re: Amp Help please!

      Thanks Cleveland, how did you set up your EQ? So most of the settings I've tried(thats not much)have sounded pretty crap, apart from the old mid-scoop. Do they still sell those PA-2's? And if they don't what else could I use??


      • #4
        Re: Amp Help please!

        Sure, PA-2s are still available... Ebay and others... I may have one coming up to sell here in a week or two.

        I used a bit of scoop... Mostly just boosted lows since the Marshall lacked those and some stuff around 4k+ to give some presence...

        A decent EQ, best used in the loop for that amp, and just tweak till you're happy basically.

        Kerry King uses an older Boss halfrack EQ that he thinks is really cool in the 800/900s

        Feel free to ask any questions...


        • #5
          Re: Amp Help please!

          Thanks again for the help cleveland. I run the Mids at around 2 or 3 the low at 8 or 9 and the high at around 6 or 7. Since i'm running EL34's i'm guessing thats the reason it doesn't sound totally mid-scooped. Strangely I don't have a problem with lack of bass, actully at the moment I have more bass than I need, I dunno it could be the tubes. I'm told the JJEL34L's have more bass than the normal EL34's. Again I'm pretty clueless when it comes to technical stuff which leads me onto the PA-2. Is it easy to wire up? Will I have to drill holes in my guitar? And how do you control it (turn it on or off or set boost amount etc.)



          • #6
            Re: Amp Help please!

            well, you can get a PA-2 that is on all the time and doesn't require a hole for the switch... I prefer the one with the switch myself, so I can turn it on or off... The switched one would require a hole for the switch. But, they aren't hard to install. If you can put a pickup in, you could put a PA-2 in.

            You might look around for just a clean boost pedal... So you don't have to drill into the guitar and it would do about the same as a the PA-2 really. Basically, that is what my old Nady 201 did, just gave clean boost. But, you want something not too cheap, or it will just be noisy boost.

            Like maybe try an OD-1 set at minimum gain, and raise volume... It does seem to me I tried one once into that amp and didn't like it for some reason, but, maybe I'm mistaken... Lotsa amps and effects been through my hands since that time.

            Even though I prefer the EQ in the loop, it's prolly worth a try to put a GE-7 in the front, it does boost the signal... It might do what you want.

            You really just have to listen to people tips like mine, and try different things. You never know what might work for your ears or your amp.

            Generally, some things work well with some amps and not others... You might plug the last thing you think would be cool, and it kills. And the thing you think would just be killer, sucks...



            • #7
              Re: Amp Help please!

              Hmm i don't know how to put in a pickup, and i'm a bit nervous about drilling holes in my guitar. I already have an old Marshall Guvnor OD pedal going into the frontend of the amp. It really just dirtys the sound up tho and doesn't make it sound much better. If the PA-2 will give me the best sound though I'm still willing to give it a shot, but if theres a pedal that will give me the same effect I'd rather go for that. Any suggestions? I've heard a lot about that fulltone fullboost pedal



              • #8
                Re: Amp Help please!

                I really don't know much about that pedal myself. But, lotsa guys here do. You might want to put that inquiry in a post along with your intended use, and see what they say.

                I've heard it was cool too. Might do the trick!

                I'd try that, before drilling and soldering if you're not too hip to that stuff.

