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5150: Possible to run 2 amps?

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  • 5150: Possible to run 2 amps?

    I was wondering if its possible to run another amp thru the 5150 (possible thru its fx loop or preamp input). I've been wanting to play clean for a band situation and rather than shell out the cash for another amp, I figure (if Possible?) I can run my little Marshall 15 watt'r thru my 5150. Is this even Possible? If so, Do I need anything other than my two amps?

    BTW: I'll be posting up pics of my new jackson in the Import forum soon (I know I said I'd post it a.s.a.p. but my camera ran outta space =\. go figure)

    Thx in advance guys

  • #2
    Re: 5150: Possible to run 2 amps?

    I've heard the 5150's clean sound isn't
    great, but a 15-watt Marshall's is cleaner? I can't believe you couldn't dial a decent clean sound out of the 5150. If it's that dull get an effects processor that does good chorus and other
    time-based effects, and run THAT in your loop. That'll spice your clean up a bit.

    You COULD run the Marshall's line out into the power amp in of the 5150, and plug straight into the Marshall using its
    EQ. I wouldn't run it fully in the loop
    because that would have to sound crappy.
    Ron is the MAN!!!!


    • #3
      Re: 5150: Possible to run 2 amps?

      Wellllll.... If the Marshall had a "preamp output" or like Lerx said a "line out" on it (I'm not familiar with those little Marshalls myself), then you could plug that output into the preamp input of the 5150.

      Technically, you also could possibly run that same preamp out (if the marshall had it) through the effects loop in/return of the 5150 if I remember right. Like Lerx also said, probably would sound marginal.

      BUT, you CAN NOT run any speaker output into ANY input of the 5150... You WILL damage the 5150. Do not just plug the Marshall speaker outs into the 5150.

      If you need to get real clean, you'd basically need to get a dedicated preamp to do that with the 5150.

      Personally, I'd just look to the Peavey Ultra... It has a good clean and is close to the sound of the 5150.

      [ March 14, 2003, 11:55 PM: Message edited by: Cleveland Metal ]

