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cheap dream rack?

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  • cheap dream rack?


    Simple question:

    "Lets say you are a poor student and have like $400-500 bucks to make a nice simple little effects rack and dont mind doing some e-bay shopping for old stuff. What would you buy?"

    I was thinking to get the following:

    1) ADA Mp1 preamp
    2) Roland SDE2500 delay
    3) Roland/Boss RRV-10 Reverb

    What do you think?. What wouold you buy if you were me?. Oh... I guess I have to say the style... I die for Vito Bratta, Megadeth, Ozzy, Dream Theater, Maiden... lots guitarist oriented "modern" stuff. I guess I am looking for flexibility and GOOD DISTORTIONS!... I have a Charvel 375 Deluxe with SA/SA/81 configuration.



  • #2
    Re: cheap dream rack?

    I'd look for a Rocktron Voodu Valve, It has a ton of clean to brutal sounds in it, and a ton of delays, Speaker emulator, Variac, reverbs, phase, flange, pitch, HUSH, EQ and echoes... My favorite cheap preamp. Seen them in the $250-350 US dollars area.

    You could then just use a cheap pedal like a Midi Buddy to control around 8 sounds from it. If you need more control, you can look to the Rocktron MidiMate, they aren't real cheap, usually $150+ US dollars .

    You didn't mention a power amp. But, a Mesa 20/20 is a fine small amp.


    • #3
      Re: cheap dream rack?

      power amp?... I was thinking about just running the thing from my Fender Ultimate Chorus... would that be a sacrilege?


      • #4
        Re: cheap dream rack?

        You could throw it in the effects loop return of that amp, if it has one, sure. It might not sound the best it could (like if you had a seperate power amp), but would give you something to work with right off the bat without having to spend a lot more $ right away.

        I would second the Voodu Valve, if you can afford one. But, used, you're looking at probably at least $275 for a Voodu vs. I think the ADA MP-1 can be had for around $100-150 used these days, can't it?

        For effects, if you're interested at all in having more effects, but afraid you can't afford them, take a look at the Alesis Quadraverb units. They're usually around $100, and have lots more effects in them. But, if you're one of those people who just wants delay and reverb, nothing wrong with just getting those units if you know they are good ones.


        • #5
          Re: cheap dream rack?

          Ok, I read you. However I am a knobs and switches guy and therefore my preference would be to have a whole bunch of specialized units... EQ section (I think I would like that) then preamp then digital effects...

          My conclusion is that I should try the cheapie Mp-1 preamp that everyone seems to like (including Vito) and use like a Quadraverb after that (it the II any better?). I have no idea about the Equalizer.

          I will definitely go to the music shop to try the Voodu thing... it seems a bit expensive for now but I may be able to make it.


          • #6
            Re: cheap dream rack?

            The voodu has preamp AND effects though...

            I've owned everything... And I really like the Voodu dude... It rips, although the factory presets are weak...


            • #7
              Re: cheap dream rack?

              Copy. However the only Voodu I found on e-bay was this:


              It is a bit too pricey for my budget... know where I can get a cheap one?

              I see lots of intelliflex and Chamaleon 2000s for cheap going around... what do you think about theese?


              • #8
                Re: cheap dream rack?

                hmmm... this seems nice, T.C. electronics seems to have a great reputation, what do you think?




                • #9
                  Re: cheap dream rack?

                  That Voodu looks like one of the new Korean ones, and it's pricey... I'd look for an older and better sounding one that says "made in USA" on the back. They can be had cheaper, around $300.

                  I don't know much about that particular TC piece... They do make good stuff though... The G Major is the current rage...


                  • #10
                    Re: cheap dream rack?

                    The TC M-One is WAY too deep to use as a guitar processor. I had one for a short time, but it is for sure designed for studio applications.


                    • #11
                      Re: cheap dream rack?

                      Yeah, you say you are a "knobs and switches" kind of guy, but if you are considering something like a TC processor already, as well as the ADA MP-1, then the Voodu would take care of all of these uses...

                      (1) EQs BEFORE AND AFTER the preamp, both are included in the Rocktron Voodu as well as the Rocktron Chameleon units (Voodu has 1 tube, Chameleons have none). Its EQ section is as powerful as just about any stand-alone EQ, and since it's integrated, works better with the unit's preamp section than anything else is likely to.

                      (2) Preamp...obviously. And the Voodu's preamp is MUCH MUCH more variable and flexible than the MP-1, as well as being way more sensitve and reactive to playing, and overall more dynamic feeling and sounding than the MP-1.

                      (3) Effects...what you have stated you want and more. These things aren't as hard to program as you might think, and they are MIDI-controllable, if you decided you wanted to try that sometime down the road. It can be a lot of fun. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                      As well as many other good features, including a very good speaker simulator.

                      Be patient and you will eventually get a used Voodu for around $300 or so on Ebay or other sources. When you stack up the prices of "good" units to do all the used Voodu would do for that price, I think you'll find the used Voodu is a more complete, simpler package overall, plus you don't have to worry about different pieces of gear working well together. Some pieces of rack gear can be very finicky about that, and just don't like each other for whatever reason. Plus, the Voodu will be less noisy overall, because of being integrated to have less noise itself, vs. using seperate units (especially a seperate EQ before the MP-1) which would be likely to be a lot more noisy. And, the Voodu isn't all that hard to learn to program...since you're already considering units you would have to program, why would you want to have to learn to program several units and get them all to work well together, when you already said you're a "knobs and switches guy"?


                      • #12
                        Re: cheap dream rack?

                        1) How does one of these professinal level effects compare to say a Gnx3?. I was playing one the other day and I sounded quite plastic to me... it is pretty expensive too... is the difference so big that you can tell right away?

                        2) What footswtich would you use with the Voodu?


                        • #13
                          Re: cheap dream rack?

                          The only thing that I think you will find that can completely sound like an authentic tube amp in every way, is an authentic tube amp or some all-tube preamps with a tube power amp.

                          Having said that, though, there are plenty of people who swear by Line 6 and other tube-emulating solid state or digital devices and say they seem quite close. As with anything, it depends on the piece of gear, what other gear it's being used with, and the person who's using it, as to what that person might think of it.

                          Personally, I did not like the Digitech GNX units at all, either. The Voodu with a decent power amp sounds 1000x better to my ears. The best thing in any situation is, if you CAN get to a shop and try one out as you said, do it. Nobody can tell you with 100% surety that you will or will not like any certain item. Make sure you give it a good fair shake by trying it with a decent power amp and cabinet--preferrably the units that you would HOPE to eventually buy for yourself in the future, if they have them. Rocktron has manuals for it online, so I would suggest downloading the manual and reading up on it first, so you kind of know what to expect and get some idea of how to operate it.


                          • #14
                            Re: cheap dream rack?

                            If your looking for the 80's tone like Vito Brata try an Alesis quadraverb Or Quadraverb GT. With a rocktron ProQ and a Metal Zone.That should cover everything from Vito to Pantera and back. The Quadrverb is dated and has the 80's sound. BUt its still used today and is transparent. I still use mine and I love it. Effects include
                            EQ both graphic and parametric,chorus,phase,flanger,reverbs,delays, pitch detune, ring modulator, and tremelo etc...
                            Great lil units. And you can get them really cheap now. Like 100 bucks or less. They work with any midi controller and with the right one controller you can even turn effects on and off in a patch. [img]graemlins/band.gif[/img]


                            • #15
                              Re: cheap dream rack?


