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    ok heres the story... i was just playing my amp (mesa MkIV) and everything was going fine, then suddenly the volume dropped out. it was at a good volume setting for house playing, so it wasnt like cranked or anything, but it was loud, and then it just went almost silent... ALMOST, it was like the volume was REALLY REALLY low... so i turned it up, and it was just really really quiet, so i turned the amp off, waited a little and tried again. same thing only a little worse. what is going on??!! i was just in a real good mood to play too, something always goes wrong at the worst of times... well at least i wasnt gigging... HELP ME!

  • #2

    U tried different leads? Make sure you test all the obvious stuff first. One time i was baffled for ages with a similar problem and it took me ages to see it was a crap lead. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: AMP PROBLEM!! HELP!!

      Turns out that a cable came loose, so problem solved. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] im not sure why the sound didnt go out immediately when it came out, cause i didnt touch it when it happened... oh well, at least it wasnt anything major. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: AMP PROBLEM!! HELP!!

        Oh gawd, man, I JUST (hopefully) ended about a 3 year problem I have had with my sound cutting in and out that was, in the end, related to a cable issue. Apparently, through my generally pathetic luck, I've had a slew of bad cables. The sound would fade in, fade out--not completely, just less volume then more volume. I had no idea at first that just a cable could do that sort of thing. Then, I didn't know if it was a unit, a cable, or power fluctuations. And, to top it off, I'd think I had it licked, the problem would seem to go away for a few months, then come back--completely intermittent. Drove me absolutely batty! I got to the point where I think I've replaced just about every cable in my headache-inducingly-stupid-elaborate setup, and hopefully that's the end of it hehe.


        • #5
          Re: AMP PROBLEM!! HELP!!

          yea dude, theres an answer to cable problems... MONSTER cables! they are really awesome cables, and if something ever goes wrong you can return it for a new one at no cost. this has only happened to me once, but i did get a new one for free, so its not a scam or anything. I use monster cables for anything i can, they are the best... except for those ones that are like 3000$ that i saw in another post recently, lol... but who would spend that much money on a cable? its not going to improve your sound THAT much. oh well


          • #6
            Re: AMP PROBLEM!! HELP!!

            I prefer George L's over monster cables, I think most of the monster line is overhyped. Just my opinion.

            BTW, you may also have a dirty contact in an effects loop jack. See if the volume cuts in and out with a cable running from the send to the return of the fx loop - if the problem goes away, have the jacks checked by a tech.


