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Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

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  • Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

    I'm hoping that someone here has an Echo Mia card for PC recording, because I'm running into a problem. It's probably due to my own ignorance more than anything else, but I'm having trouble when recording two sources simultaneously. I wanted to thicken up some guitar tracks by recording two miked amps (one tube, one solidstate) into a Behringer MX602A mixer and then to the Mia card. My setup is as follows:

    Mic 1 > mixer XLR l > left 1/4" out > Mia left 1/4" in

    Mic 2 > mixer XLR 2 > right 1/4" out > Mia right 1/4" in

    No matter how I set up the mixer, Cakewalk is only getting one signal (same signal in both Mia channels) instead of two. I've tested all of my jacks on the mixer and Mia card, and it is fine with any combination of mixer/card signals as long as I am only recording one source...but trying to record two amps into two different tracks isn't working. Both tracks end up being from one source.

    Does this make sense? Am I oblivious to something very basic? Any and all suggestions will be appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

    I have Sonar, about the same as cakewalk. I just have a stereo SB Live card, with two inputs left/right.

    Look at say AUDIO 1, where it says INPUT, does it say none or maybe your card and stereo? Click on the input , and a tree will come up and it show the card, and if you click on that, it should give your options of left/right/stereo... Maybe if you set it there left and right it will seperate it? Not sure, never used a MIA.

    Not sure I'm any help, sorry if not...

    [ April 02, 2003, 11:42 PM: Message edited by: Cleveland Metal ]


    • #3
      Re: Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

      Well I'm no Cakewalk user, I use Cubase and Nuendo. But basically, pan your two inputs to opposite sides, and in your software there might be some kind of option to record the two channels as two separate tracks. In Cubase it's in the Options menu I think, under "Multirecord". If not, you'll have to take the two channels and either deal with them in one track, or you can cut and paste the two signals into their own tracks and deal with them as mono tracks.


      • #4
        Re: Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

        You have a good Sound Card. I highly recommend converting over to CubaseSX. You can take advantage of your cards low latency VST capabilities and I guarantee you it's a lot easier and funner to use then Sonar once you get the hang of things.

        I run all my guitar effects in realtime, and they are great!

        Shoot me an email if your interested in getting sx.


        • #5
          Re: Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

          Check your Control Panel settings and Cakewalk's settings and make sure you've got true stereo options. Sounds like you're being stuck with dual-mono by either Cakewalk or possibly Windows.
          A pro card like that should have its own control panel applet, also.
          You might also need a
          Mia-specific driver for/from Cakewalk.

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          • #6
            Re: Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

            Yeah, I have to read through the Mia documentation again. For the longest time, I suspected it was the mixer causing the problem, but never thought that it might be the card. The Mia does have its own console utility for setting levels, and lets me select which input I am recording from, but I think the problem is with its "virtual outputs". I run my Roland monitors from the Mia's two outputs, but I think that Cakewalk is somehow getting confused.

            My card came with Cubasis (ie. Cubase "lite") but I couldn't get a feel for it. I think there's just something in Cakewalk that I'm overlooking. Thanks for all the suggestions.


            • #7
              Re: Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

              Sorry if you already provided the answer for that but i can't see how you set up your mixer.
              You are going with your mic cables in both the first and second channel in your behringer mixer and then from the two main outs into the soundcard, is that right ?
              If so and you haven't done any panning on the mixer your problem is obvious.
              If you don't do any panning, your first signal (from channel 1) will be mixed to both left and right output. The same with channel 2. It's the concept of a mixer to mix ALL tracks to both left and right output.
              There are two solution for this one. First one is panning. You need to select the panning for both channels, let's say channel 1 completely right and channel 2 completely left. So that means you get your channel 1 on the right main output and channel 2 on the left output.
              The other (and in my eyes better) solution is just going out of the inserts of each channel into the soundcard. I have the Behringer Mx2004A which i thing is only the bigger version of yours so i guess your mixer also has inserts.
              With this way you have only one mic signal on each insert. You also avoid the crappy EQ and summing of your behringer mixer. Oh if you do this don't be surprised when you led meters on your behringer don't hit anything when playing because a insert normally needs special cables because you take your signal from the mic preamp to another unit and then back to the insert jack.
              If you plug in a normal 1/4" cable you just take the signal out without feeding it back and no signal will ever come to the eq, faders and summing.

              If that's not your problem then i guess either your soundcard driver settings of your sequencer settings are wrong. With my STAudio soundcard i have 8 inputs. I can choose in the "in"-section of every channel in Sonar one of my four groups (8 channels are 4 stereo groups) and for every group i can choose left, right or stereo.
              That means if i have plugged something into in 3 of my soundcard, i need to choose group 2 left in.

              But somehow my bet is that you haven't set up your mixer correctly. From your description in the first post where you said that you get two signals in and both are the same i thing your setup for the soundcard is correct. It really seems that you haven't done your panning if you use the main outs. Like i said i think it's always better to use the inserts if you only want to use your mixer as a mic preamp. Also it's best to always avoid any eq (especially those more than crappy behringer eq's) while tracking. You can use the eq's from your software when you do your mix-down. But for that it's always best to have the original signal.

              Well i hope my post did help you somehow.


              Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


              • #8
                Re: Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

                Heh, actually it did. I need to quick reading the boards late at night or early in the morning, when I can't actually play. [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]

                I did check my Cakewalk settings, and they are set right. The only options I really have are to select the source for each track (Mia analog input 1 or 2) and the output (Mia digital-to-analog) for monitoring. I panned the mixer channels hard left and hard right, and will have to try it later to see if it helps. This model is the super-economy version, so to speak, and if by inserts you mean the aux send/return, it only has one aux send jack. Hopefully the panning fixes the problem.

                As always, thanks for the tips.


                • #9
                  Re: Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

                  Yes, see if with hard panning everything will work like you want. I am not sure if that really works since i never did hard panning the channels to completely separate them on the main outputs.

                  No, inserts are not the aux sends/return. The aux sends/return are for using additional outboard gear with one or more channels. The insert only works for one channel. It cuts off the signal right after the preamp before it hits anything other in the mixer. With using the inserts you are able to only use the mic preamps and then take the signal out of your mixer without altering it in any other way. And the benefit is that with every insert you only get the one signal you are feeding into the mic preamp.
                  I just looked at the Behringer homepage and it seems that your model doesn't have any inserts. So i guess panning is your only option.

                  If that doesn't work like you want it to work, you could purchase a 2 channel mic preamp like the Midiman Audio Buddy. It has two separate channels and two separate out's. And it's supposed to be better than the behringer mic preamps (oh well that isn't that hard [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ).Info is here:
                  It's quite cheap, only $80 at musicians fiend.

                  Or another possibility would be, that is if you can solder, to build a mic preamp. I just did that and i have to say for around $30 per channel (an additional $15 for a power supply) i have a mic preamp which is MUCH better than the behringer mic preamps in my mixer. The key for a cheap mic preamp is to build one without any transformers (they can get quite expensive).

                  Anyway keep us informed if it works. If you have any questions i try to help you [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


                  Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


                  • #10
                    Re: Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

                    it sounds to me like you just make sure you have the track you selected to record on is set to stereo, not just L or R. In GT Pro you can select the driver for each track you are recording should be able to select on the track as MIA L, MIA R or MIA S (or whatever it named itself upon installation).

                    Why run thru a mixer? Just use mic 1 into one mono track and mic two in a second mono track and record two tracks simultaneously vs. one single stereo track.


                    • #11
                      Re: Echo Mia PCI card (PC recording)

                      Hey Shawn, i doubt that the Echo Mia has two mic preamps on both channels so Inazone needs to run his mics through the mixer if he hasn't some separate mic preamps.
                      If you run your mics without any amplification into your line in's of your soundcard, your signal level will be too low to do anything with it. You should always check that you are coming as near as possible to 0db while tracking. Just make sure you never go over 0db, digital recording doesn't like that [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


                      Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany

