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  • Cables....

    So far I've never had cables last me more than a month or two, and they all crap out on me. What cables do you guys recommend - 12ft and up. I don't want to go wireless just because I think there tone suckers. Thanks for the help.

  • #2
    Re: Cables....

    Planet Waves or Monster Cables (if you got the money $$$) are the best cables I have heard about. Monster Cables are the very best cables money can buy and last forever with great tone, but can be very expensive.



    • #3
      Re: Cables....

      I use Monster cables on my whole rig. Guitar to head, two effects loop cables, and two speaker cables with spares for everything that I will probably never use. I think they're great.


      • #4
        Re: Cables....

        If you're looking for a 12" Monster Studio 1000 cable let me know...I've had a spare that I don't's brand new. I'll cut ya a was like $100 new. I think the Studio 1000's are the best Monster Cables availale.
        Shoot me an email...
        - Joel
        RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
        RIP Dime


        • #5
          Re: Cables....

          George L's.



          • #6
            Re: Cables....

            I use whirlwind leader and love them. I was never able to break one!...


            • #7
              Re: Cables....

              I use Monster cable and George L's. Both are very cool. George L's are quite cheaper than Monster but i wouldn't choose them if you want to connect your guitar to your amp. George L's cable don't seem to be built like a tank. I wouldn't choose them for a connection where the cable gets dragged around. They are very cool for connection gear inside a rack for example.

              Oh and for the thing "best cable money can buy". I don't have any experience with this but there is a german guitar store which is dealing with only the best gear and they made a cable test. They stated that the absolute best cable they ever heard in their entire life is the Instrument Pro from Alessandro cable.
              Infos can be found here:

              But with a price of $1500 for a 12 foot cable it's out of reach for every normal guitar player (and they told that it really isn't worth that much money). But it's supposed to be the best. And i mean what is $1500 for someone who is looking for a good cable to connect his original 58' sunburst Les Paul to his Dumble amp ? [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


              Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


              • #8
                Re: Cables....

                Hmm 1500$ is a little out of my price range! LOL!
                Thanks for your comments, I got some pro studio 1000 Monster cables and like them alot, so thanks for the offer anyway Joel.


                • #9
                  Re: Cables....

                  You really can't get much better than a Studio Pro 1000.

                  Depending on the gain you use, and the quality of your amp, you may or may not notice just how good they are.

                  Good choice... George L's are almost as good, but meant more for rack builds.

