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Can't Find an Intellifex thinkin about others????

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  • Can't Find an Intellifex thinkin about others????

    Ok I've been on the search for an intellifex for about 2 weeks I've missed out on every one that is a price I'm willing to pay, which is $100-$150. Now I'm having having second thoughts on what I should get. Chameleon's are all over the place for $200-$250. I'm really looking for bascialy just an add on to the 5150 so incase I get bored with the 5150 sound I can tweek my tones a little to cover more than the 5150 will give me. Chuck posted something in my original thread about the jfx but I can't find anything about that. what about a Alesis Quadraverb??? I think a g major might be out of my price range they go for about $400 and I wanna keep this in the $250 range. I don't know maybe I'm just over thinking what I want?? I just want to get this all set up and play. Thanks for all the help everyone.
    I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue

  • #2
    Re: Can\'t Find an Intellifex thinkin about others????

    Hey Donny try a Replifex. They are a pretty sweet unit for the price and readily available on eBay.
    We must!
    We must!
    We must increase the bust!
    The bigger the better!
    The tighter the sweater!
    The boys are counting on us!


    • #3
      Re: Can\'t Find an Intellifex thinkin about others????

      Be patient for a week or three, Intellifexs come all the time...

      The only thing that really does that stuff is the GMajor.

      The Replifex is pretty close... It doesn't have the 8 Voice chorus that the Intellifex does, which is a cool thing. But, I do think it does some other cool stuff. Haven't owned one myself.


      • #4
        Re: Can\'t Find an Intellifex thinkin about others????

        I agree. Just be patient. Intellifex's are all over the place and the price is pretty consistant. I would wait for one vs. going with the Quadreverb from what I remember on those.
        The Replifex may be a good choice. It's less high-fi and designed more to be specificly used with guitar. The Intellifex needs some programming to make good guitar sounds IMO. (The presets are all very soupy and suck IMO.)

        The G Major is a nice unit, but as you noted quite a bit priceir and it really doesn't sound any better for delays, chorus, and reverb. It does offer some other sounds, but I don't use any of those. It also isn't built as well IMO.



        • #5
          Re: Can\'t Find an Intellifex thinkin about others????

          You feel the G major isn't built as well as the Intellifex? Wow... I haven't played with a G Major myself. But, was wanting one... Hmmm...


          • #6
            Re: Can\'t Find an Intellifex thinkin about others????

            No worries John. I've owned both and IMO the G-Major is built as well if not better than the Intellifex. I used the Intellifex for awhile and sold it after playing with the G-Major.

            The G-Major's worth the extra cash when you consider the quality of effects, tweekability and additional features: Serial, parallel and semi parallel effects routing, relay switching to switch non-MIDI preamps, boost function to blast your solo up front, tuner and 3 band parametric EQ with the latest software version downloadable from the TC website.

            Great value and quality with this unit ...




            • #7
              Re: Can\'t Find an Intellifex thinkin about others????

              i love my gmajor, it has ducking delays like in the 2290, and all kinds of stuff. I think it's very well built, and i like being able to add an effect right from the front panel, not having to dig for 20 minutes just to add chorus.



              • #8
                Re: Can\'t Find an Intellifex thinkin about others????


                Don't take that to mean I think the G Major is poorly built. It's pretty much par-for-the-course for electronic effects units. I have considerable experience with all three of the TC Electronics 'Entry-level' (whatever they call the series) effects processors and they're all built identically. (Incidently, they're all pretty darn good for the price too.) I've owned it and I've owned two Intellifex's over the years, so I'm very familiar with both. The old Rocktron gear just seems to be much tougher than most other rack gear out there in my experience. It doesn't necessarily look it, but it seems to hold up better than most. That was all that sentence meant...didn't mean to get everyone all excited. (My appreciation of the Intellifex's durability was confirmed when I received my last one, if you read the thread.)

                The G Major does offer some very nice features for the price, no doubt. It's definitely what I'd buy, if I bought something new. The used prices are so high, I wouldn't bother looking for a used one, if it were me. I'd encourage you to give one a try and see what you think. It does have some nice advantages over the Intellifex:

                - Built in power supply. I hate the Intellifex wall wart. It causes me to move some items around in the rack.

                - Remote switching (controls two jacks). I miss this, but can do it with a different remote unit.

                - Continuous Controller 'in' so that you can take control over one item without going through the midi controller. I'd like to have this.

                - Built in tuner. I thought this was very cool at home. However, you can't read it from across the stage, so don't sell the old Korg until you've had one for a while! It's not precise enough for doing setups either, if you do your own.

                - Extra effects: tremelo, compression (worthless since you can't run it in front), filtering effects (see above, plus digital never works for this), 3 band EQ which is fine, and probably some others I've forgotten. I don't use anything except a bit of chorus and delay at times, so the extras aren't useful to me. The chorus, delay, and reverb sounds a very comparible in quality. Neither unit is great at any of them, but both are plenty good for most uses. Don't expect to get PCM91 reverbs and 2290 delays in one unit for $500.

                - More memory, so if you like soupy effects sounds it'll sound much better. I'm a minimalist, so it doesn't affect me.

                - The templates for signal routing are a bit more flexible, but if you need much here, you need to step up to the G Force.

                - It doesn't suck tone quite as badly when kicked out. I put effects units in a remote loop in any case, so it's a non-issue to me.

                Well, I got a little carried away there, but since I typed it all, I'll leave it. I would encourage you to go try one because there are a lot of nice features in the G Major. I'd also encourage you to check out the TC Electronics D-Two while you're at it if you just need delay effects (delay, chorus, flange). It's the same price, but does seem to handle those effects much more elegantly in my experience. I have considered going to one of these, but would have to work with it a bit more before making a final decision.

                Btw, you can do both boosts and cuts with the Intellifex, by just adjusting the mixer. The G Major actually attenuates all the non-boosted signals and the 'Solo boost' kicks them back up to unity gain. I found that the sound and response of the unit really improved when I dialed those cuts out of the sounds.


