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update on cheap dream rack

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  • update on cheap dream rack

    John, Stuart...

    ok, now that I am getting asked about my opinion on the Voodu in the thread about the cheap pre-amp, let me open a thread to update all of you that contributed on the building of my rack (thanks by the way, you guys are the best on this planet).

    My setup ended up being made up of the following components:

    - Rocktron Voodu valve
    - BBE sonic maximizer 422A
    - Mesa 50/50 (sweet!)
    - Boss FC-50 foot controller
    - Furman RR-15 power conditioner
    - Madison 2x12 cab with original madison speakers
    - ATA Flight case

    The total cost of that baby rack wasn't too bad... I think like US$1000?... however I have only tried the components independently in the stores since I live in Canada and the shipments take loooong (I actually have a US postal address and go pickup). I think by the end of next week I will have the whole thing together crying out loud!...

    I do like the Voodu valve but I haven't had enough time alone with it... I will update on that soon. I will have to put MANY hours of work there also because I dont have experience programming MIDI. I am actually afraid of that!...

    I did try the triaxis with the G-major through a Mesa 20x20 and a mesa slant 4x12... that is an all-time dream rack but the price does not compare to this setup that I am describing at all (would be US$4000).

    Definitely this is the dream cheap rack as concluded by the jackson forum... we should publish this stuff somewhere and make money off it!.. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    [ April 12, 2003, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: rodrigo_echeverri ]

  • #2
    Re: update on cheap dream rack


    Well, I think you did good with your choices, and hope you end up liking it very much. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


