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what kind of tubes

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  • what kind of tubes

    does everyone here use? I am gonna retube my amp and want something a bit different. I had ok luck with sovtecs but they seemed really noisy. anyway just wondering what all you gearheads use in your rig. [img]graemlins/band.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: what kind of tubes

    Dude,use the jj tubes they rule.Go to and check them out.paul


    • #3
      Re: what kind of tubes

      Depends on the amp in question and the tubes in particular.


      • #4
        Re: what kind of tubes

        Try web page too. They have reviews on eveything. Both times I ordered from them I had the tubes 24-48 hrs later! BTW I went with Electro Harmonics and they have been great for both sound and noise.


        • #5
          Re: what kind of tubes

          My amp is a tsl 100 which I dig, but I wouldn't mind a gainier tube. I took out the stock tubes and put in some groove tubes out of my X100-b which I like alot but I dont know if I want to buy them again. Just wondering what everyone uses in "their" rig. thanx for the responses..




          • #6
            Re: what kind of tubes

            I'm with Chuck, depends on what you have vs. what you want to hear.

            I think it's always important to become familiar with exactly what you hear now compared to exactly what you want to hear, what difference you want. Then, you can really start looking for info on what tube might give you closer to that sound.


            • #7
              Re: what kind of tubes

              In my Marshalls, I liked the Chinese preamp tubes. Knowing what I know now, I'd shoot for the older NOS cheese grater getter style 12ax7s, new on ebay for like $5.99 and the power tubes I liked most were Teslas and later on I started using Svetlanas through the


              • #8
                Re: what kind of tubes

                I use the Eloctro-Harminic EL-34`s and 12AX7`s in the Pre-Amp. They are quiet and FAT sounding in my VHT pittbull CL-100 Combo. Jack.

