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  • VHT GP-3


    It's been a long time since anyone has had anythign to say about the GP-3 and I was just wondering what everyone around here has to say about it? Is it brutal? is it lame? Any thoughtful comments are appreciated, as I may very well be purchasing one in the next few days! Thanks alot.

  • #2
    Re: VHT GP-3

    Pstang has one and likes it a lot. I've heard a few guys that bought it liked it a lot also.

    High end MIDI controllable, EQs and outboard switching for other stuff, way cool.


    • #3
      Re: VHT GP-3

      Yeah, despite how much I love my Egnater, my itch to try the VHT won't go away until I get one in my darn rack hehe. The VHT tryout I had at NAMM wasn't completely promising, nor completely condemning. The Dynamics control gives it more built-in sensitivity and better feel than I think I've ever felt in a preamp by itself--that is definitely a plus to me. The sound...hmm...well, with their setup, just seemed kinda thin and weak overall. But I only give about 10% credit to my interpretations of a unit I'm trying anywhere else but in my own rack at home hehehe.


      • #4
        Re: VHT GP-3

        I've had mine for about a week and so far so good. Its taken quite a while to dial in the sounds I am looking for. I'm sure it will take even more time to get it exactly the way I want it. Its not a preamp you can just immediately dial in a great sound from, it definately takes some 'tweaking'. So far I like it a lot, it has tons of options to choose from. Very quiet, seamless switching via midi.

        I have heard a lot of people say its too thin, or that the bass response is not tight enough. On channel 3, I would agree. But this channel is meant for lead work, so there's an emphasis on the highs and mids. For that heavy, growling low end I use channel 2. My guess is that the people trying to get that brutal sound are trying with channel 3, when they would get much better results using the second channel.

        It also will force you to be a better player because if you're a sloppy player it will sound like crap through this amp. The distortion is very articulate meaning you can hear every note you play clearly, there's no mush of gain to hide behind when you use this.

        [ April 24, 2003, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: jem777az ]


        • #5
          Re: VHT GP-3

          Yes my 1993 VHT Pittbull Cl-100 Combo is like that, if you mess up everyone hears it, I like that fact, that meens it is clear and articulate and makes me play better, like if that will ever happen [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] Jack.


          • #6
            Re: VHT GP-3

            Yep that clarity is a VHT characteristic in general, I think, probably goes through all their products. I know the 50/CL head I used to have had that property, and the power amps have that property. It's what I really love about the VHT sound, though for what I want out of my sound, it tends to need a lot of sprucing up with other gear to get it "there". It's kinda Fender-like in that way...though Fender amps aren't generally very "metal" to me, they have that clarity whereas so many other amps just kinda sound flat and blah to me.

