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5150 questions

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  • 5150 questions

    In Flame's and Soilwork's tones are kicking my ass, so I'm thinking of picking up a 5150. How well do they handle high volumes? I love the sound of my Carvin, but the thing just falls flat on its ass past about 6. It's not even that loud at that point, either. It may or may not be a stupid question, but it's one I need answered. It will have to compete with my Sunn to be heard, and that's tough for any amp to do.

  • #2
    Re: 5150 questions

    5150s are loud as hell. I doubt you'll have much trouble with it for high volume use. Also, the louder it is and the less pregain you have to use, the better.



    • #3
      Re: 5150 questions

      My brother has a 5150 right now. And when he plays in our garage..with teh door open. the sound travels all teh way across town. Sure its only a city of roughly 10,000 people. BUT, it's still nuts. That's with the volume at about 5 out of 10. It is one loud piece of equipment.


      • #4
        Re: 5150 questions

        Sweet. The only times I've played a 5150 have been in music stores, and you know how that is. I think it's time to move some gear... Thanks, guys. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: 5150 questions

          i just picked up a XXX and on volume levels it easily competes with my Mark3
          1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


          • #6
            Re: 5150 questions

            I've used Marshall MV 50's for nearly 10 years, then I bought a 5150 combo...I don't use the Marshall anymore.



            • #7
              Re: 5150 questions

              We used the 5150's at Progpower last year... they held up to 5 soundchecks and 5 sets the second night of the festival, without a single problem. They are loud as hell, and they get a nice tone. They are a fairly "1 trick pony" depending on how clean you like your clean sound to be. But that lead channel kicks ass.
              Almost went with one of those instead of my ENGL, but when I A/B'd them, the ENGL just sounded better to my ear, and was more versatile.

