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speaker cab comparisons

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  • speaker cab comparisons

    I'm debating with myself over the idea of purchasing a couple of 2x12 cabs or a 4x12 stereo cab. I'm leaning towards the 2x12 setup as I live in a two story and of course all my gear is upstairs,....and since I'm not getting any younger I would rather haul two smaller cabs up and down than muscle 1 big one. However I don't want to sacrifice any tone if possible. I have a older Randall rg150es 1/2 stack w/jaguars which has a pretty descent clean channel which I want to a/b with my Mesa 20/20.
    The additional cabs are for the 20/20 and I have a few questions regarding this (finally)!
    1. Do I need to keep the power handling (watts) down to be most efficient and safe for the amp?
    2. Has anyone compared the Mesa and Marshall to Madisons....?
    3. I think the Vintage 30 celestions sound pretty good. aren't they a lower wattage speaker?

    I have run the Mesa 20/20 through my Randall 4x12 jaguar cab and it sounds very nice. I was even cosidering using this with a Mesa 4x12 recto cab for stereo. Would this draw too much on my little 20/20. I'm using this 20/20 in conjunction with an MP1, ART sgx2000(parametric EQ)basically and BBE sonic maximizer.
    Any help and advice you guys could give me is as always greatly appreciated [img]graemlins/help.gif[/img] ....charlie

  • #2
    Re: speaker cab comparisons

    Anybody ! Rodrigo E. I know you bought a Madison a while back. What do you think of it now that you've had it a while? Did you do a comparison with a Boogie?


    • #3
      Re: speaker cab comparisons

      you want a 2x12 vertical mesa recto cab! (or 2 of them actually) you'll be happiest i promise!
      check ebay for used ones. i got mine for 400 used and am so very happy. its the best cab i've ever played through.
      Widow - "We have songs"


      • #4
        Re: speaker cab comparisons

        Rodrigo and I both have Madison 2x12 Cabinets. It is very well made and the speakers are very strong. It has alot of bass, but not muddy. If you do alot of plam muting and chugga-chugga stuff it really shines. But if you play more mids and highs, it isn`t as good for that, but I have mine with a combo so the mix is very nice. Worth every penny I paid for it, it was like $250 Shipped, hopefully Rodrigo will chime in also. Jack.


        • #5
          Re: speaker cab comparisons

          alright, here comes Mr. Opinionated Echeverri.. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

          I think we guitarist suck big time. That is my answer to your question.. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ... seriously, I have been thinking and I find no motivation for that silly liking that we have of 12" speakers... yeah they do cover the range of the guitar but they also cut-off a chunk of it!... what I really want to have is a good bassy 2x12 cabinet like my Madison (very pleased there) and stack a cab on the top that can give me some treble!... that means, you gotta get a 2x8!... cheaper and better if you dont care about power. That setup will be very responsive and will allow you to get to dreamland if you want!... if you can't find a 2x8 (not really sure how popular they are)... then get a 2x10.. that will do to!... just don't get all tonally monotonous like all your other guitar coleagues.

          Now, you know the Madison is a closed back cabinet and it is very structurally strong... well, I think the best mate for it would be an open back cab... I am just too much pro tonal diversity in a setup to have a silly 4x12! (unless I also have a 4x10 on top)...

          One advantage here is that if you don't like one of them then you change it!... the possibilities are endless...

          I will think about this tonight a little more and look around on e-bay see what I find...

          your question #1 is got me confused. Can you please re-word it?... do you mean since the 20/20 is a low-watt power amp you want speakers with low rating so that they are more responsive... hmmm.. taht sounds correct if you asked me... I have a good feeling for those Celestion 30's you mentioned... I know they have the character that I am looking for to complement my Madison.

          In short:

          Marshall: I would rather have a 1 month old crying all the time inside my cabinet than own one of these things!..

          Mesa = Madison = Good but needs help in the treble department, speacially if you have a 20/20!...

          Difference between Mesa and Madison = price



          [ May 01, 2003, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: rodrigo_echeverri ]


          • #6
            Re: speaker cab comparisons

            Thanks everyone for your feedback. Yes Rodrigo that's what I was meaning on question 1 sorry about being a little fuzzy there. I'm concerned about a 140 or 280 watt cabinet prematurely sucking the life out of the tubes or doing any possible damage to the little amp. I'm hesitant because of a previous post I read some where a while back on the JCF where twisteramps formally oklastrat had said something of this nature,if I interpreted him correctly. Pete feel free to jump in here any time!
            Rodrigo I'm with you on tonal diversity. I checked out mesa's 2x12 cabs at the local guitar center and told the clerk I would like to have one closed back and one 3/4 back cab each and he looked at me like I was crazy! The closed back has vintage 30's and the 3/4 has 70's (celestions)He of course wanted me to buy a 4x12 recto which actually would cost a little less than the 2 smaller cabs. What to do? So many choices so little money. you can always use more!
            Rodrigo were you able to hang on to your baby snake ?...............later charlie


            • #7
              Re: speaker cab comparisons

              Charlie, no baby snake anymore... she is gone forever... [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] . it was sold to the guitarist in this band:


              I wouldn't worry about anything sucking the life out of a Mesa 20/20.. that things kicks.. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ... seriously, all the power amp cares about is the current load it sees and that is just a matter of matching the impedance like it has been discussed in other threads.

              What to do?... BUY ONE 2X12 MADISON FOR THE BOTTOM FOR SURE!...

              hmmm... why don't you please call Madison and ask them if they would make you a custom cab?.. I am sure they will.


              If they say yes, then ask if they would make you a half back slant cabinet with two of their 10" speakers on the top!... those guys know what they are doing and will let you know what you shuld do... just tell them that you have heard that their cabinets are too bassy and you want one that gives you a little more treble from the top.. talk to the president of the company (I dont know his name).. it is just like a little shop so they will get him on the phone for you... that guy is the MAN on this topic.

              If you get this done, I will come to your house (no matter where you are) and I will try it!... that is my dream cabinet!... my guess on the price would be that it is going to be less than US$500 for the custom made one.

              Let me know what they tell you or e-mail me if you want my opinion again.. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

              [email protected]

              [ May 02, 2003, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: rodrigo_echeverri ]


              • #8
                Re: speaker cab comparisons

                Rodrigo, you play at low volumes in a small room, don't you?

                At stage volumes (LOUD!), 4x12s are the way to go. Sorry!


                • #9
                  Re: speaker cab comparisons

                  Chuck, that is correct, I only do lower volume stuff. My main interest is recording and I have only played live once.

                  You are very right, my rig might fall apart tone-wise in a demanding live application (its still pretty loud!)...

                  The reason I have answered the way I have is bbecause the original question was intended regarding a setup mostly for home use.... acutally I just realized he mentioned he REALLY wanted two 2x12s because of weight reasons...


                  • #10
                    Re: speaker cab comparisons

                    Playing a Distorded guitar through 10" speakers at loud volume will NOT sound pretty. It will sound to brittle. Bass players pull it off because there tones are relatively clean so the punch comes through naturaly. Guitars NEED the larger speakers to compinsate for the loss of low end due to Gain.

                    This has always been my understanding at least.

                    As far as 2X12 cabs go.... I just ordered a Genz Benz G-Flex. It's supposed to have some of the tightest low end you can get. If this thread is still arounf when I get it, I'll let ya know how it worked out. If I like it enough I'll be ordering a second one. They're not NEAR as cheap as the Madisons though.


                    • #11
                      Re: speaker cab comparisons

                      LOL! I'm not even gonna fix all of those spelling errors just so the spelling natzi's can have something to increase there post count! Have at it boys! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                      • #12
                        Re: speaker cab comparisons

                        Lesser known god... you are dead right. Clipping a sine wave produces a lot of high end harmonics. The 12" low-pass some of that... good point. However, if anybody is going to do that to my signal I would like to be asked for permission... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                        I have a Rocktron Voodu valve here and the thing has one of the best speaker and cab simulators around... every time I set it to give me the 10" speaker sound I find it more pleasant. Of couse all of this applies to low-volume levels mainly... you know what, I am off to the guitar store and I will try all this there and give my impressions later.

                        Actually, what a BBE maximizer does is to give you back some of the stuff your sperakers egt rid of or couldn't handle... reality is better though. 10" speakers are ligther and very resonsive... like I said, my dream is to have diversity in my rack.. I do want to have the 12" for the bottom end!... in the future I will also get a 15" and see how it goes...

                        [ May 02, 2003, 11:56 AM: Message edited by: rodrigo_echeverri ]


                        • #13
                          Re: speaker cab comparisons

                          Rodrigo on paper that theory might look good, but when you're playing with a band, if you use a cabinet with 10s, 12s, and 15s, you are gonna step on everyone else's frequencies. The reason so many guitarists use 12s live is that those suit the frequencies of guitars better in the mix. I used to use a 15 and 2x12 with my band live...I was never pleased with my tone or my lack of cutting thru the band's sound.


                          • #14
                            Re: speaker cab comparisons



                            • #15
                              Re: speaker cab comparisons

                              You guys are right again. I have the vision of a guy who is sitting at home recording by himself and wanting the best tone out of a single instrument setup. I will think about your points carefully...



