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2 halfstacks

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  • 2 halfstacks

    I'm currently running 1 Peavey triple X thru 2 Genz Benz 4x12 cabs. I'm getting another triple X next week (used) and want to run 2 halfstacks in stereo.I'm using a G-MAJOR for my stereo fx and know how to route that thru both X's fx loops. How do I run both heads at once......via the line out on the master (the one i'm plugged into)head??? I'm gonna run each head with a slightly different tone. THANX!

  • #2
    Re: 2 halfstacks

    Here's what I think you want to do (not 100% sure I follow you): run each head into one of your cabs. Run the effects send through some sort of switcher (to select between the amps) into the G Major and then run the G Major outs in stereo back into both amps returns.

    This basicly decouples each amps preamp from it's power amp. It lets you use all of their preamp sounds, and then use the two power sections for everything.



    • #3
      Re: 2 halfstacks

      The G-MAJOR has 2 balanced "INS" and 2 balanced "outs"...i'm gonna use 1 IN and 1 OUT for each head. I just want to be able to plug into 1 of the heads inputs to use boths halfstacks. According to the Triple X's manual,I can use the "LINE OUT" jack on the back of the head to provide a signal to drive another poweramp/speaker system while maintaining the amps tone.


      • #4
        Re: 2 halfstacks

        Yes, that's what the line out is for, but IMO it won't sound as good that way as what I suggested. However, given that the G Major has two ins, just run each side of the G Major in a one amp's effects loop. FYI, you will need some sort of line-driver (buffer or preamp) so that you don't loose tone when you split before the amps if you do this.

        The problem with the direct out is that it is post power amp. When you run that into another power section you'll multiply the tonal aspects of the two power sections and get a muddier sound. Also, you can't run in true stereo this way. Electronicly you're fine, so give it a shot, but try the other too and go with what sounds best.



        • #5
          Re: 2 halfstacks

          use the fx loop send and return instead of the line out, you'll be much happier with your tone. i'd plug into one head, run the fx send to the g major, and then run your stereo outs from the g major to the fx returns of both heads and everything will work just the way you want it to and sound the best. this way you have a clean signal that has been throught the pre's on the amp you plugged into - effected and sent back to go out the power section - on the second amp the allready pre'd and effected sound will bypass the second amps pre's (which would just add noise extra eq not needed)and just run through the power section so all you tone is controlled by the first amp and the g-major.
          Widow - "We have songs"


          • #6
            Re: 2 halfstacks

            Thanx guys!
            I want to set up slightly different tones on each amp so I ordered a Morley A/B/Y box.I will run thru both fx loops on the amps and use the Morley to feed both my amps front inputs.


            • #7
              Re: 2 halfstacks

              I certainly hope so. I tried a Morley A/B box to switch from my SLO to a rackmount tuner and it sucked so much tone I promptly gave it away!


              • #8
                Re: 2 halfstacks

                try a Whirlwind powered A/B box...I don't notice too much tone suckage with mine.

