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Looking to Refine My Tone! (Peavey 5150)

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  • Looking to Refine My Tone! (Peavey 5150)

    Hi all

    Haven't been on the board in a while (Haven't had the time what with work, school etc.) I've been saving up some money and I have been seriously considering upgrading my 5150 head tone. I've decided to ditch the whole floor processor idea and go rack mount. I need some ideas on what to go to suit my needs.

    I know I don't want to buy a pre amp or a power amp (I want to use the power of the 5150). I want to keep my rack small (4-6). I do want fx in my rack (Lexicon/rocktron should do). Hush and Power Conditioner is a must (Rocktron), E.Q. (Don't know what brand of eq would help my 5150 the most) and a bbe sonic maximizer (I think 442a is the best one). Am I missing anything here?

    What I'm really looking for is something that will give me that crushing low-end (not too much) and something that will really help out my lead. Here is the current setup I have now...

    Current Guitar Setup

    Jackson DX-10D (2 EMG 81's)
    BOSS GE-7 (thru fx loop for lead)
    BOSS Flanger (Hardly use)

    -Thx in advance guys

    [ May 06, 2003, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: Ruxspin ]

  • #2
    Re: Looking to Refine My Tone! (Peavey 5150)

    Yo Teddy Ruxpin, check out a parametric equalizer. I can't stop jivin' about mine since I got it, it was a really good investment. You will be able to sculpt your tone much better than you can with the graphic eq. As for an effects processor, I have a first-model Roctron Intellifex which I am pretty pleased with so far, but I really haven't had time to sit down and do much with it...but for $90 it was hard to pass up!


    • #3
      Re: Looking to Refine My Tone! (Peavey 5150)

      Yep - Go Parametric. Graphic is great if you've got at least 15 bands, but then that's also 15 things to screw up. 16 counting the Master Volume. Double that for a stereo unit like the MEQ 230 [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

      Anyhoo, if you go parametric, make sure you've got a coupla frequency sweeps on it for fine tuning.

      If you hardly use the one effect you have now, are you sure you want a unit loaded with 'em? If all you're really looking for is Chorus and Delay, I'd get those units separately just for a better sound, or stick with pedals.

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      • #4
        Re: Looking to Refine My Tone! (Peavey 5150)

        Yeah, I saw Arch Enemy and the one guy was using just a cheesy Meastro Parametric Eq pedal on his 5150, and it sounded pretty serious.

        Weird, but I've used several 31 band graphic eqs and this silly furman PQ3 three band parametric does more tonal alteration/sculpting than the big graphic ever did...

        Definitely a thought.


        • #5
          Re: Looking to Refine My Tone! (Peavey 5150)

          thx for the replys guys. Ima start shopping around for my racks. Any advice on what brand for a rackmount case?


          • #6
            Re: Looking to Refine My Tone! (Peavey 5150)

            I use an old boss paremetric half rack eq and it is awesome.... but I also like my Ge-7 pedal too so... The Paremetric does do a better job of fine tuning though the ge-7 is so friggin easy to use and you get awesome tones out of it.... AHHHHHHHHH I cant decide which one I like! I like them both for different reasons!


            • #7
              Re: Looking to Refine My Tone! (Peavey 5150)

              It depends on how much you want to spend for a rack case. For my money, there's nothing better than the Mesa shockmount racks - they're all I've used for ten years or so. The downside is that they're expensive.

              I think John (ClevelandMetal) had someone build him the foam-style shock racks for a really good price, but I don't remember how they turned out. (I _could_ be wrong about this...)

              Generally, I'd advise staying away from the plastic (SKB, etc.) kind, as they don't hold up.

              I'll agree with everyone here - a parametric is a much better choice for EQ'ing guitar than a graphic. The Furman that Cleve has is pretty cool, if I remember correctly.

              Oh, and don't buy a multi-fx without trying the T.C. Electronics G-Major. It kicks ass. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

              Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


              • #8
                Re: Looking to Refine My Tone! (Peavey 5150)

                Yeah, Michael is right, the MESA is seriously cool. I was going to have a Canadian company build me case but I decided I wanted heavier duty than what they offered.

                I was waiting for one from a certain person that has yet to appear and probably will not I'm assuming, so I'm once again seeking a good rack with limited funds at this point, bah.

                The PQ-3 is cool and I like it. But, fairly noisy. I think I'd also like to try the quieter TC Electronics 1140 as it also has more bands. PStang bought one and likes it a lot.

                G-Major is on my list also!!

