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How should I hook this up??

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  • How should I hook this up??

    Here's the situation and the gear involved:

    Two Line6 Flextone heads
    Two 2x12 cabinets
    One 4x12 cabinet (soon to be replaced by two more 2x12 cabinets to equal four 2x12 cabinets)

    I want to use one Line6 head with two of the 2x12 cabinets that will basically be a half stack.

    On stage, I want to use my other half stack as well. Just an extension of my main half stack.
    I want to run it with a TS-9 in there as well.

    Here's my questions:

    Should I put the TS-9 between the guitar and the amp or should I put it in the FX loop.

    Since I only have one Floorboard to control the head and want the same tone to come out of the other half stack, so should I come out of the FX send and into the fx return on the second half stack? Keep in mind that if I do that, I couldn't use the TS-9 in the fx loop, could I?

    I'm thinking that maybe that's how I need to do it and then use the TS-9 between the guitar and the head.
    Any thoughts or suggestions??
    <I won't ask how I should do all this along with incorporating my GT-6 in the mix...not yet at least>

  • #2
    Re: How should I hook this up??

    Try it both ways & see which sounds better?
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • #3
      Re: How should I hook this up??

      A TS9 is meant to go into the front of a tube amp... I don't think it's going to work as desired in front of a modelling amp. I tried one in front of a Pod (2.x and XT) and it sounded like crap.

      All that aside, a TS9 pedal is meant to go into the front of an amp, not the fx loop. Don't the flextone heads have built in boosts you can footswitch? that would likely sound much better than using a TS9 in front. Again, it's a modelling amp, when you overdrive solid state it sounds like ass, basically.



      • #4
        Re: How should I hook this up??

        I agree, I had no luck with a TS-9 with my Flextone. Actually, no preamp sounded any good. If you were to use it though you would have to put it in front of the amp. If you put it in the loop it will become a volume boost and a really lousy one at that. If you put it in front of a Flextone HD I can't imagine that the results will be good. Modelling amps really react poorly to preamps or overdrive pedals. What do you need a TS-9 for when you have 2 Flextone HD's? FX out to FX in sounds right to me. You don't want the TS-9 in the effects loop anyway. You should pick up a cheap FB4 for your second Flextone and set up a patch that clones a TS-9 driven amp.


        • #5
          Re: How should I hook this up??

          Well, actually, the Flextones are not solid state, nor tube. And if you used a backed off distortion along with the TS-9, it does give a killer tone and isn't "crappy".
          Yes, the Flextone does have a boost that I can activate via the footswitch and that works fine for a "boost", but what I use the TS-9 for is some backed off distortion with the TS-9 for a solo thing I do, it really does sound killer with the Flextone...regardless of it not being a tube amp.

          I did actually make a Cat5 (network cable = same cable as a Line6 floorboard) splitter to see if I could control both heads at the same time, kinda worked but was definately not working right.
          Seemed like a killer idea, anybody have an idea how I can use one footcontroller with two heads??
          Now that could really be useful. <The Flextone HD only does MIDI Thru, so I can't use a midi controller to send signals to it> -- I know I could use a midi switcher, but would like to be able to figure out a way to do it with the floorboard that I have.

          PS: My other head is an Engl Savage Special Edition, just so you guys don't think I have no clue as to what a "killer tone" is. hahahaha!


          • #6
            Re: How should I hook this up??

            Originally posted by JiMoSiTY:
            Here's the situation and the gear involved:

            Two Line6 Flextone heads
            Two 2x12 cabinets
            One 4x12 cabinet (soon to be replaced by two more 2x12 cabinets to equal four 2x12 cabinets)

            I want to use one Line6 head with two of the 2x12 cabinets that will basically be a half stack.

            On stage, I want to use my other half stack as well. Just an extension of my main half stack.
            I want to run it with a TS-9 in there as well.

            Here's my questions:

            Should I put the TS-9 between the guitar and the amp or should I put it in the FX loop.

            Since I only have one Floorboard to control the head and want the same tone to come out of the other half stack, so should I come out of the FX send and into the fx return on the second half stack? Keep in mind that if I do that, I couldn't use the TS-9 in the fx loop, could I?

            I'm thinking that maybe that's how I need to do it and then use the TS-9 between the guitar and the head.
            Any thoughts or suggestions??
            <I won't ask how I should do all this along with incorporating my GT-6 in the mix...not yet at least>
            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">ok, this is what you do (assuming that you have slave out jack).
            First head w/ pedals in loop and two 2X12 cabs
            (from slave out to FX return of the second head)
            Second head
            4X12 cab

            I'm not sure if those pedals will sound good (as "good" is matter of opinion) so you will need to try them in and out of the effects loop.



            • #7
              Re: How should I hook this up??

              Originally posted by JiMoSiTY:

              *my comments with a * in front of em

              Well, actually, the Flextones are not solid state, nor tube.

              * Ok, then what defines solid state to you? Whether it's a modelling amp or not, it's solid state. If not, then tell me what it is. If you say modelling, nope, it's a SOLID STATE modelling amp. Unless it's powered by nuclear reactions or something...

              And if you used a backed off distortion along with the TS-9, it does give a killer tone and isn't "crappy".

              *to you, maybe. All I know is, a modelling amp isn't going to react to a TS9 like a tube amp is. A TS9 set up as a distortion box and not an overdrive to distort the first stage of an amp sounds like crap to most people. Hey, if you dig it, go on with your bad self... but most of us find the sound horrible.

              Yes, the Flextone does have a boost that I can activate via the footswitch and that works fine for a "boost", but what I use the TS-9 for is some backed off distortion with the TS-9 for a solo thing I do, it really does sound killer with the Flextone...regardless of it not being a tube amp.

              *Ack. Well, if it sounds good to you...

              PS: My other head is an Engl Savage Special Edition, just so you guys don't think I have no clue as to what a "killer tone" is. hahahaha!

              *If that engl is so great, why not use it?

              *no offense, but if you think a TS9 being used as a distortion generator into a Line 6 product is a killer tone, I think your ears need a good and complete cleaning.

              *Just my opinion, as valid as yours...



              • #8
                Re: How should I hook this up??

                Originally posted by Twisteramps:

                * Ok, then what defines solid state to you? Whether it's a modelling amp or not, it's solid state. If not, then tell me what it is. If you say modelling, nope, it's a SOLID STATE modelling amp. Unless it's powered by nuclear reactions or something...
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">First off, what's your deal?? Everytime I post a topic, you have something wise to respond with it, did I do something to you in the past for you to attack my posts everytime you think you're an expert on my topics and tell me what kind of idiot I am?? Just cause you got a name like "TwisterAmps" doesn't mean you know jack about amps. Obviously you aren't as "in the know" as you think you are if you don't know the difference between a modeling amp and a solid state amp. Here's some schooling for you wise guy. Solid State amps get their tone using transistors. Modeling amps use DSP (Digital Signal Processor) chips with software to get their tone. There is a difference. Maybe you should sit down and play thru both sometime instead of thinking you know all the answers.

                And if you used a backed off distortion along with the TS-9, it does give a killer tone and isn't "crappy".

                *to you, maybe. All I know is, a modelling amp isn't going to react to a TS9 like a tube amp is. A TS9 set up as a distortion box and not an overdrive to distort the first stage of an amp sounds like crap to most people. Hey, if you dig it, go on with your bad self... but most of us find the sound horrible.
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Oh, OK, what kind of idiot am I for thinking something sounds good? Maybe you should TRY SOMETHING before you give your opinion on it.
                Then again, thinking the TS-9 is a distortion box, you obviously don't know what one is.

                Yes, the Flextone does have a boost that I can activate via the footswitch and that works fine for a "boost", but what I use the TS-9 for is some backed off distortion with the TS-9 for a solo thing I do, it really does sound killer with the Flextone...regardless of it not being a tube amp.

                *Ack. Well, if it sounds good to you...
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">WOW, maybe someday I'll be able to buy only the "good" kinds of all tube only amps like you do since that's the only kind that could possibly sound any good. Wait, I've got an Engl, so maybe I should throw my Line6's away since they are so inferior to tubes. This is really getting tiring.

                PS: My other head is an Engl Savage Special Edition, just so you guys don't think I have no clue as to what a "killer tone" is. hahahaha!

                *If that engl is so great, why not use it?
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Because I do use some effects, chorus, delay, flange etc -- I don't want to carry around a bunch of pedals or rack gear to get the same effects that I can get right out of the Line6's.
                Maybe if you were to ever do live shows on a normal basis, you'd realize what a pain in the ass it is to screw with a half dozen pedals and/or a separate rack of gear. I used to do it before I got wise to the Line6, but then again, what do I know since I'm using Line6's?

                *no offense, but if you think a TS9 being used as a distortion generator into a Line 6 product is a killer tone, I think your ears need a good and complete cleaning.
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">When did I say that the TS-9 is a distortion generator?? It's not. It's more like an overdrive pedal than a distortion pedal, if you know what the difference between those two kinds of devices is. I think you're the one that needs the good ear cleaning since you obviously are one of those guys that never listens to anyone that might know something, but prefer to run your mouth about whatever assuming you know better than anyone. Hey, guess what... You might be wrong.

                Now that we got that out of the way, feel free to skip right on past my posts from now on if you have nothing useful to contribute, nobody wants to see this kind of **** go on.


                • #9
                  Re: How should I hook this up??

                  I would run the ts9 infront of the "main" head. Does the amp have a slave out? If so that would be the best way to run it. Take the slave out to the power amp in of the loop on head #2 then you will have the same sound on both.If its just an effect loop, you should be able to run the send of head 1 to the return of head 2 and do the same thing. Hope that helps.



                  • #10
                    Re: How should I hook this up??

                    If the heads have MIDI in/out, run the pedalboard to one head and run that head's midi out to the other's midi in. You should be able to select which program is called up according to what program number you select in the main (i.e. program 21 on main head = program 55 on other head).

                    If you're getting a good sound with the TS, then keep it. All preamp effects (Compressor, Overdrive/Distortion, and EQ) always go before the main EQ unless you are bypassing the main preamp and going straight to the power section. Coloring/Time effects like Chorus/Flange/Phaser/Pitch/Delay/Reverb always go after the preamp.

                    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                    My Blog:


                    • #11
                      Re: How should I hook this up??

                      A DSP chip is made of transistors. Transistors are solid state. A DSP chip did not come from a spaceship in Roswell, they just crammed a lot of transistors on a chip.

                      Would you like me to continue or is this enough for you Jim?



                      • #12
                        Re: How should I hook this up??


                        Please continue.

                        ...that the play is the tragedy, "Man"


                        • #13
                          Re: How should I hook this up??

                          Newc - thanks.
                          Actually, the older Flextone HD 300 watt heads like I have only have a Midi Out and no Midi In.
                          Looks like the FX Send to the FX Return is the only way I can do what I want to do.

                          Actually, I found a better way to hook it all up using my Boss GT-6.
                          I'm running from the guitar into the GT-6, then from the FX Send of the GT-6 into the Line6 input.
                          Then a cable from the Line6 FX Send to the GT-6 FX Return. Another cable from the GT-6 Output to the Line6 FX Return. This is known as the "4 cable method" for those of you familiar with the GT-6 at all. It basically splits the preamp and power amp sections of the Line6 head.
                          The GT-6 has a preamp setting called "External" that will let me use the Line6 preamp section as the preamp of choice plus with this setup, I can use any of the many preamp settings that are in the GT-6, which don't really impress me that much other than for clean tones. The good thing with the GT-6 is I can use the CTL pedal to put it into "Manual" mode and thus use the individual pedals on the GT-6 to act just like regular pedals turning FX on and off individually.
                          What's even cooler is that with the Midi Out on the Line6 head, I can connect that to the Midi In on the GT-6 and control the GT-6 with the Line6 floorboard. -- Seems to be working great this way.

                          [ May 09, 2003, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: JiMoSiTY ]


                          • #14
                            Re: How should I hook this up??

                            Wow, you are going to use a Boss unit with the Flextones? I thought the whole idea was so that you didn't have to use external effects? I can't imagine the amount of "tone suck" going on in that rig, sounds like total over kill. Couldn't you just take a line out from the main head and send it to a power amp and then into another cab? I played the Flextone II and thought it sounded very good, but this sounds ridiculous.


                            • #15
                              Re: How should I hook this up??

                              There are limits to what the FX in the Line6 head are capable of and some FX that I would like to use that aren't available in the head.
                              I doubt that I'll really use this setup live because it goes back into the whole idea of having too much gear to mess with on stage, but it at least gets me the FX that I want with very little impact on tone at all, regardless of how "tone sucking" it sounds. Try it and see.

