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Price for a used intellifex?

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  • Price for a used intellifex?

    What would be a reasonable used price for one of these units?....

    What's with the motorola chipset hype?... is it true?...

  • #2
    Re: Price for a used intellifex?

    I have one listed on ebay right now. Looking at completed auctions, it looks like $125 is about as low as you'll see them and some will break $200. I honestly can't figure out where the variation comes from since they're common enough that you'd think it'd even out. I started mine at $150 with no reseve. (All the ones below that were from low feedback sellers, so that's probably where some of the lower prices come from, but I still don't understand the higher ones.)

    I don't buy all the hype around the Motorola chipset, but I've also never played any but the original ones. Of course, I did mention it in the listing! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

    I don't have any bids yet, and would consider pulling the auction if you want mine. Email me: [email protected] if interested. No I didn't post on this just to try and make a sell, but half-way through the post it suddenly dawned on me. (No coffee yet today, so I'm slow of mind.)


