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Used Rack Gear price help.

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  • Used Rack Gear price help.

    I recently found a used ADA MP-1 and BBE Sonic Maximizer in a local second hand music store. When walking in I read a sign that said all used rack gear half off. So I inquire about the two units above and he tells me $175 for the ADA and $250 for the BBE. He also had a used Intellefex which he said he wanted $550 for. So I said the sign says half off and he tells me that those Quotes are half off. So I say so the regular price is double that. And he says how Rare these pieces are. Yeah right not at those prices I told him. So he says make me an offer or a fair trade.
    So I say I have a New POD XT and The FBV short board and all the boxes and such. So he says I can give you the ADA and the BBE but I would have too pay the sales Tax. Didnt sound too fair too me
    but then again this is my first venture into the realm of Rack gear. My question is too you Rack experts is this a fair deal or am I expecting too much. I paid near $700 two months ago for The POD XT setup. I also would need a rack and a Midi controller and power supply which I would have too kick in $300-400 for. Is this fair or am I being B.S.ed. Any Help or insight greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    Re: Used Rack Gear price help.

    You are being BS'd. If you want to know what they should sell for used check Ebay. ANYTIME you go into a music store that does trades you are getting severely beaten unless the item you are trading is something that you got way under retail price or that just isn't any good. The POD XT is outstanding and you paid top dollar for it. Sell it privately either here or on Ebay and then go buy your rack mount gear. No let me defend the music store that is hosing you. Music stores are in the business to make money. Lots of times they make minimal money on new items just because the competition is fierce. Buyer beware. There are guidelines that they follow and value books that they use but you will be treated just like you would at a car lot if you had a trade in. DO your homework. It could save you a ton of dough.


    • #3
      Re: Used Rack Gear price help.

      Unless you are in Sweden or some other Euro place, those prices are insane...

      MP-1 can be had $100-150 all day long.

      BBE- from $50 up depending on model and age etc. All day long for $100 or so...

      Intellifex should be less than $200-250 and I've heard $150, (never saw ine that cheap myself). A NEW ONE IS $450!!

      I'm a judicious shopper. But, I really don't think I'm under estimating these costs at all.

      So, look around on the bay man, it is a good indicator of what you should be paying. Ebay, The worlds marketplace... Of course a store will be a bit more. But, not that much more.

      [ May 09, 2003, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: Cleveland Metal ]


      • #4
        Re: Used Rack Gear price help.

        Thanks guys I thought that guy was hosing me. I
        must have looked like an easy mark or something. I
        am not displeased with the Pod Xt at all. But was definately wanting too try a quality piece rack setup. I understand the guy wants too make money but at those prices I think they will never sell.
        If I do part with the XT I will definately list it here first. A lot more honesty here than most other places. Thanks again!


        [ May 09, 2003, 06:46 PM: Message edited by: Ric1983 ]

