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Need help buying an Amp

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  • Need help buying an Amp

    Alright, I need MAJOR help from you amp experts. I'm into playing stuff like Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Alice In Chains, basically heavy metal stuff. I'm experimenting w/ acoustic stuff and 7 strings as well. Right now, I have a Marshall MGRCD80 combo amp and an Avatar half stack w/ vintage 30's(I don't know what the hell I just said, it's just what this guy told me I had). I'm looking into getting a Mesa head(I guess that's what you call it) and a half stack. I have no idea what I should buy. Keep in mind that I use EMG's in all of my guitars. Please give me some ideas. I'm looking to buy used gear, by the way. Also, what about rackmount FX and such? Please help me, because I am more clueless than Alicia Silverstone. Thanks guys!

  • #2
    Re: Need help buying an Amp

    is this to use at home and record or for live applications?...


    • #3
      Re: Need help buying an Amp

      Give the Marshall all tube JCM 2000 TSL & DSL heads a try you'll notice they sound a hell of a lot better than your MG, give Mesa Single, Dual and Triple Rectofiers a try. Peavey 5150's, Peavey XXX, try a Crate Blue Voodoo.

      These are just some big main stream amps I could think of off the top of my head, as my name suggest I highly favor Marshalls, but I suggested all these amps because they should be the easiest for you to demo in a store and then try and locate a used one.

      Good Luck and remember everything goes by YOUR ears.


      • #4
        Re: Need help buying an Amp

        Hey, since you live here in San Antonio maybe I can help you out. I have a couple of different amps you can check out.



        • #5
          Re: Need help buying an Amp

          Cool, I'm looking towards a dual rectifier or a triple. I dunno, I just hear a lot about them. I also hear a lot about the Marshall jcm800. I guess I'll have to try some out. Thanks!


          • #6
            Re: Need help buying an Amp

            Well whenever you want to check some gear out email me. I pretty much got nothing else to do.


            • #7
              Re: Need help buying an Amp

              What kind of sound and gain are you looking for? The Triple xxx,Mesa Rectifier,VHT Pittbull have al;ot of gain, but sound different from each other, and then there is a built in Graphic EQ which opens up possibilities, my VHT Pittbull CLX-100 has one, it makes it so versitile [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img] Jack.

