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BBE Sonic Maximizer

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  • BBE Sonic Maximizer


    Im curious as to which model to look for (and which to avoid). I heard Rick's when I went to visit him and jam a little, and i LOVE the way the entire guitar sounds clear. I want that in my system.

    What should I look for? How much should I be spending? (im a poor college kid)


  • #2
    Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

    After DRSRacing sold me my BBE422A at a smokin deal.......damn...that was the best $60 I have EVER spent on guitar related gear.....everyone should have one in their rack. There are several models......depending on your set up. The BBE is meant to be run before the EQ. If your amp has an effects loop that you want one that can handle the higher input...such as the 422A.
    If you are running it direct from your guitar, the 422A will not pick up the weaker signal.....You will want a model similar to the 411. There are newer models out now with different designations I believe....but, a good used 411 will work inline directly from the guitar.-Lou
    " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


    • #3
      Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

      I also use a 422A. I agree everyone should have one at the least. Even us guys who use a head can use it as a boost anytime you need it!



      • #4
        Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

        another vote for the 422A right here....


        • #5
          Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

          I put my sonic thing just before the power amp in the chain and not in the effects loop. Much easier for me to dial in good sounds.
          Okay, i have a Behringer UltraFex2 which is mainly designed for manipulating a final full-band mix, but isn't the BBE also primarily designed for that?
          AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


          • #6
            Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

            Yeah, if you HAVE to have a BBE (I've been BBE free in my rack for years now though), I've pushed the 422a on all these guys forever.

            I still have a couple hee, and I've tried most all of them and for guitar. The 422a does about the best to me. The newer ones do sound better for vocals and PA work than the 422a though and the BBE software I have for Sonar is really cool for recording I've found.

            [ May 31, 2003, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: Cleveland Metal ]


            • #7
              Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

              Dude,The 422a is so good i just bought another one.


              • #8
                Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

                If you use too much of the BBE, your sound gets very harsh when mic'd through the PA. A little goes a long way.


                • #9
                  Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

                  I don't use them any more. But, I noticed that the newer BBEs were really harsh through PAs in particular. The 422a's were the most pleasing.

                  And yes, subtle is the key with those things assuredly.


                  • #10
                    Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer


                    soo.. anyone have a 422a for sale? I'd like to stick to the JCF before trying the lovely ebay.




                    • #11
                      Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

                      Louder your amp is, the less you should use... a lot of people just dime the things and they end up with washed out tone and no mids left.

                      Just a little bit makes a huge difference live.



                      • #12
                        Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

                        Yep, Twisteramps is right on the money. A little can go a long way with the BBE.

                        I tend to use mine for fine tuning my sound in my rack.


                        • #13
                          Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

                          If you dont find one here, you can get them off e bay.The price range goes anywhere from $50 to $75.At least thats what i have seen them for.


                          • #14
                            Re: BBE Sonic Maximizer

                            You're supposed to use it before the eq?? I use mine after my parametric eq in the effects loop, and it sounds good, but I guess anything's an improvement when you're using a Crate!

