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  • Help

    I posted before about which kind of expression pedal to buy.I got some replies about ernie ball but when i looked on their web site they dont make any.I saw in a pic of some ones pedal board that they were using a ernie ball expression pedal.What is the model #?Or if anyone can suggest a good one to use.I want to use it with my g force.Guitar center said i can get a ernie ball volume pedal and have a wire soldered in so it will act as a expression pedal.What should i do?thanks.

  • #2
    Re: Help

    I've used my Ernie Ball volume pedal (had it forever, me love long time) as a controller for my midi stuff, as well as other basic volume pedals for that purpose...

    Per the EB Site:

    Q: Can our Volume Pedal be used as an expression pedal?

    A: An expression pedal controls the amount of voltage that allows certain functions, such as, delay, distortion levels, volume, etc. in a keyboard or an effects processor to perform to whatever parameters the user sets it up to do. Our pedal may work as an expression pedal , but the manufacturer usually suggests what type of pot needs to be used, 500k, 250k, 25k, etc. in a pedal, keyboard, or an effects processor. The pedal might require a more sophisticated design, contact the manufacturer to determine what type of pedal is necessary.

    Hope that provides some input.


    • #3
      Re: Help

      Hey cleve,I want to use the pedal to controll paremeters in the g force.I think it needs a 250k pot.What do you think?Will i be able to controll flange and delays and chorus rates with the ernie ball?If not what pedal do you suggest?Thanks paul.


      • #4
        Re: Help

        After using my EB pedal for many years with no troubles, I'd look at it as being the most reliable. Pretty indestructable. There may be others that have a better feel, as it is sorta big and doesn't have a lot of "feel" to it, sorta bland if you know what I mean. I find it better than anything else I've tried so far. Certainly feels better than a Morley product.

        If dunlop made a volume pedal like their wah feels (which is pretty inuitive and nice feeling to me), I'd like something like that.

        Otherwise, EB is the one for me, no thoughts of changing. And it's 250k ohm... Soooo...

        Per the EB Site:

        Volume Pedal
        The potentiometer has a 250k ohm resistance suitable for the audio path of passive instruments. Behind the jack area under the footplate is a taper switch, which provides the user two distinct volume swell rates. A tuner output is provided and allows silent tuning when the pedal is in the heel down position.
        Product Number: 6166

        That's the one I have, it has a nice long sweep to it for good control, and I've used it for changing delays and controlling MIDI controlled volume and delay mix on stuff for my Voodu Valve and Intellifex...

        [ May 31, 2003, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Cleveland Metal ]


        • #5
          Re: Help

          Hey cleve,I just went to the tc electronics site and they say any volume or expression pedal should work.But they reccomend the k ohms to be between 50 k ohm and 100 k ohm.Will the ernie ball work if it is 250 k ohm ?And does it matter if the pedal is stereo or not?Thanks for your help.Paul.


          • #6
            Re: Help

            I'd say it matters about the stereo pedal, I'd say only use a mono pedal.

            As for the 50-100k, that certainly sucks... I'll investigate a little here, and see what I find...

