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Amp Wiring

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  • Amp Wiring

    Hey everyone...I was reading through my triaxis manual again...and was going through the section about pre and post tone gain circuits. I was curious if any of you know anything about this, and if this system can apply to amp heads. Mesa was talking about the pre tone gain circuits sending the gain to the signal first before it gets to the tone circuits, producing a less defined, looser tone. The post tone gain circuit sends the signal through the tone circuits before adding gain, which makes for a much more defined, clear tone, which will make much more prevalent any errors you may make. So I didn't know if this circuitry concept applied only to Mesa/Boogie, or if other amps, Marshall, Soldano, Laney, Bogner, VHT and the such use circuitry like this to create tones. Thanks for any input!
