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    I need some first hand info on rocktron's

    Intellifex and
    Pro gap

    Your opinions on both of them which one is better!
    Sound quality wise, especially!

  • #2
    Re: Help !!! ROCKTRON LOVERS

    You aren't comparing apples to apples... The Pro GAP is a preamp, and a good one in it's time. The Intellifex is an effects unit, and seems to be the most popular of the Rocktron Effects units. There are a couple versions, but I can't remember which is the "more preferred" of them. The Pro GAP evolved into the Pro GAP Ultra, which I had and liked quite a bit. Not very exciting cleans, but great high gain patches. I'm guessing that evolved into the Piranha, which I also had and liked quite a bit. Popular opinion seems to be that the VooDoo Valve is the hot processor to get from Rocktron these days - definitely better than the Chameleon.

    [ June 12, 2003, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: chris_olson ]


    • #3
      Re: Help !!! ROCKTRON LOVERS

      I used to have a Pro GAP. It was fairly decent, but lacked the ability to make a convincing Slayer type sound. It could do a Ratt type of sound easily though. I replaced it with a Voodu Valve. The Pro GAP is old hat, get with the times............Voodu Valves rule........


      • #4
        Re: Help !!! ROCKTRON LOVERS

        Matjaz, if you are looking into Rocktron units I can really tell you that the Voodu valve is their holy grail. I owned one and then sold it just to miss the tone I was getting from it... it is indeed a marvelous piece of gear, you should consider it.

        Also take a look at the Peavey TubeFex... that is one monster right there man!... I love that unit... it has become my favorite in the long list of gear that I have owned recently... it is unbelievable how one can get ANY tone out of that thing and sooo quiet... nice!...

        [ June 13, 2003, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: rodrigo_echeverri ]


        • #5
          Re: Help !!! ROCKTRON LOVERS

          I really like the Voodu Valve. I have one hooked up with an Intellipitch and a 20/20. The higher quality reverb in the Intellipitch makes a world of difference, btw. The only catch is that, for rhythm, I like the more ragged, organic sound you get from a tube amp. The Voodu has all the gain you could possibly use, but it always sounds very...umm....polite? How do I explain better--the distortion breakup is always even and smooth, no matter how you work the settings. I don't know that I'd want to give up the versatility, though. There's nothing like being able to switch to any sound with one button.
          This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO

