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2 pre-amps together! How?

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  • #16
    Re: 2 pre-amps together! How?

    I was hoping i could do the chain withput the a/b swuitcher!
    Here is why...

    I would like to operate both pre-amps together at the same time!

    Ada would be runned completely normal when pro-gap would have very litlle output level!
    I would use ti solely for post eq and hush effects?

    Now how would i do that!
    Could i use it simple as that?
    What is with the noise?
    I can understand that the signal being twice pre-amped is quite noisy but if i am careful?

    Is it an option?

    A swithcer would mean i could use bth but one at the time, right?
    And the y-cable story is the same, right?

    Anyone with similar expirience or cravings?


    • #17
      Re: 2 pre-amps together! How?


      Nah, go up and read my post again, I think you missed something hehehe. If you went lo-tech, at least to start with, one option could involve COMBINER/switcher boxes, like the Morley A/B/Y box. Combiner--meaning it can combine the signals together. A lot of splitter/switchboxes can also be used in reverse as combiners this way to mix signals together. If each preamp has 1 output, use 1 combiner to combine signals from each of the 2 preamps into 1 output signal. If the preamps each have 2 outputs, and you want to go stereo, you could take the Right from each into one combiner and the Left from each into another combiner, and the signal out from each to the next device in the chain. You would need to split your guitar signal out as well, so a 3rd combiner/splitter box would do the job there, too.

      The same would be true of the theory of using Y-Cables. Output from each of the preamps into the Y-Cable dual ends, the single end sending the signal out to the next device. 2 Y-Cables for sending out dual/stereo signals. And split the guitar output in two with a Y-cable there, too, or a switchbox. The only thing with Y-cables is, some guitar jacks and units' jacks, for me, seemed to be more picky with the signals than others.

      Again, these are the very lo-tech ideas for something like this. The other guys gave much better hi-tech answers for doing this above--ones more like a pro or stage player would use. But, some options can be expensive, complicated or possibily "overkill" for what you are looking to do, based on your budget and needs. I'm just giving you some cheaper alternatives. Because, the idea of combining the signals is a cool one, but sometimes it just doesn't end up sounding as good as you would like...and it's better to have not wasted a lot of money just to find that out hehehe. I always prefer to try something the cheap, easy way at first, then, if I like it and think it's worth it, put the extra money into it and do it a better way if I want to.

      As far as how well it might sound...unless someone has tried that specific combination of preamps mixed together, there's not going to be any real valid way to know without trying it yourself. Same with the amount of noise you get from it all. Once you hook it up however you decide to hook it up, you'll have to fiddle with it all. If you really like the basic sound of the two preamps mixed, but it's just noisy, then you might want to get a HUSH unit to help with the noise.



      • #18
        Re: 2 pre-amps together! How?

        I have no problem when I use the ADA for a pre-amp and go into a blank patch on the ART with no gain or effects added, I then can access the post parametric EQ in the ART for tone adjustment, this works great but as was mentioned all equipment is different. Try it in stages carefully. Make sure your amp volume is low when you run the two pre-amps together.
        I can run both of mine at the same time But I usually just run the ADA with the extra EQ out of the ART and it sounds killer. It sounds to me this is what your basically after as well.
        By the way my rig is wired unit to unit no extra buffered switcher combiner or anything. No Noise no problems .....maybe I just got lucky for once

