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My POD XT is Fixed!!(I think...)

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  • My POD XT is Fixed!!(I think...)

    Well I did alot of tests and if I played the POD XT(like I said before) for an hour straight, it would start to die off in sound quality. It did that 4 times. Then I tried just letting it on for and hour and then play for another hour, it did the same thing. Please note though, that when I left it on for the hour and I started playing, it was as if I just turned it on. It almost seemed as though I had to play through it, in order for it to start losing sound quality.
    Here's where it gets good:
    I updated it to the new 1.04 update and it's absolutely fine!!(so far...) I have been playing it a lot(hours at a time) and I have lost no sound quality. Well, I guess I have a year to see if it does it again so I guess for now, I won't be sending it in. Please pass on this info because I thought it was very interesting for sure.

    Dave ->

    "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"

  • #2
    Re: My POD XT is Fixed!!(I think...)

    Dave, I bought the other xt from that store, so ours may be very close in manufacture. Did you first start noticing the drop out problems after you did the first update? I havn't updated mine and havn't noticed any problems so far. I'm not even sure I will update until they have a solid version out there, maybe 4 is ok.


    • #3
      Re: My POD XT is Fixed!!(I think...)

      Hey there!

      Yeah, that's exactly what happened. I think the latest(1.04) is stable as hell though. I've been giving it quite a workout so I think it's fine now. Whew!!!

      Dave ->

      "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


      • #4
        Re: My POD XT is Fixed!!(I think...)

        Hey Dave, Glad to hear the XT is working good now.
        I upgraded to 1.04 and am very happy with the update. I think maybe yours and others problem was software based. But only time will tell. I think the 1.04 upgrade has a better sound quality than previously. The Boogie sounds so much more like a real Boogie its amazing. Also the JCM 800 sounds very close to the real deal I used to own in the early 90's. Also the power amp and cabs setting(Line6 4-12) sounds a little fuller than before through my setup. I have played for 5 hours straight on Sat. and the XT was flawless.
        Now once you get your patches setup hows about a MP3 post or two or three. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]



        • #5
          Re: My POD XT is Fixed!!(I think...)

          Man, I am so glad it's working right. I can't believe how many things you can do with this thing. To think I was considering settling for the Vamp, then the POD 2.3. I'm glad I saved up the rest of my pennies for this. Along with the tone transfer, tone locker, and the guitar port, if you can't find the sound you want on the XT, your deaf.....
          Thanks again, for talking me into this Ric, it's one of the best little units in existence(for now I guess [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] )
          As for the MP3's, I'm working on a few but work has finally picked up and my kid has to eat [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] ! Do you have any you could send me?


          [ July 02, 2003, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: budman68 ]
          Dave ->

          "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


          • #6
            Re: My POD XT is Fixed!!(I think...)

            Hey Dave, I am recording some stuff but dont like the sound of the mic's I am using. They are Nady's and sound terrible to me so I am getting a
            Shure SM-57 or similar quality mic. And then maybe I'll post a clip or two. I will try to give direct in a whirl this 4th weekend also.



            • #7
              Re: My POD XT is Fixed!!(I think...)

              I look forward to it!!

              Dave ->

              "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"

