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What would be better than a Boogie?

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  • #16
    Re: What would be better than a Boogie?

    Does your guitar have a floyd rose or a tremolo on it? you may be hearing the springs resonate, or a loose truss rod, or loose hardware on the neck... See if your amp does the same thing with another guitar before you scrap it. Also, you can run a BBE and get a much tighter sound with that Mesa. I had a VHT 50/CL, and it was tighter/better for metal, but I preferred soloing with the mesa - it was looser and had more of a rock tone. The VHT at times was almost too tight - it was like a transistor amp if you were too extreme with the EQ settings. A Rivera would be behind a boogie for metal in my opinion.



    • #17
      Re: What would be better than a Boogie?

      Yeah the thing is Ive tried 5 guitars through it, rhoads pro, Y2KV, les paul classic, fender tele, and an explorer. Im starting to think something is screwed up in the cab but Im stil worried about the amp. The cab makes a lot of buzz when I palm mute. And it doesnt seem to have that tight lowend tone it used to have. I might just send the Mesa back to Mesa and buy a new cab. Id save money insteading of scrapping it and starting over. I really liked my setup till it started making these noises. I would understand if I have had it for like 10 years or gig with it evey night abd bang it around, but it only leaves teh house when I take it to be checked out and its brand new. This is so frustrating. I know something is screwed up becuase it never did this before. Also I have tried running straight into it and still did it. The only thing I run through is a Boss EQ. Im afraid if I send it to Mesa Boogie they'll say nothing is wrong when I know something is.


      • #18
        Re: What would be better than a Boogie?

        For the cab, it's possible something could have vibrated a little loose in there since you've had it. Open the back, tighten every screw in the cab that holds it together, holds the speakers in, etc. are an at-home-only player? The issue I'd bring up to think of is the "need to crank the amp to get a good metal sound" issue. Some amps need to be turned up higher than others to get that kind of sound. I don't know your exact playing situation, and if you have no volume restrictions at all, that's great! But most people playing indoors do, and that can be a big restriction.

        I went through a "tube head" phase (read: big mistake for me) several years ago. Had a VHT PitBull 50/CL and, at the low volumes I had to play, it barely sounded like lower Twisted Sister gain, much less Metallica hehehe. I had a Crate Blue Voodoo 120 at the same time, and it actually was more "thrash" at lower volumes than the VHT, to my ears. This factor is going to be better or worse from amp to amp. I've heard some talk that the newer Peavey amps sound good, even at lower volumes, for instance.

        Another option you might want to consider, especially for wanting a really wide variety of sound, might be rack gear. You're looking at some pretty pricey heads, there and, for that amount, you could get some decent rack gear. Once I realized the head thing wasn't going to work for me, I went to rack, and...aww gawd...I hate to use this cheezy phrase...never looked back. To my experience, you can get a much wider variety of sound out of rack gear for the money. And, if you like to fiddle with different sounds and are the type of person who likes to learn and experiment with effects, rack gear can be an absolute blast. Of course, if you are one of those "I just want a few knobs to turn" people, that's cool, too, but that type of person probably wouldn't like rack gear...but that type of person also has to realize the limitations that having "just a few knobs" is going to force on their sound, as well.

        Just some stuff to think about...



        • #19
          Re: What would be better than a Boogie?

          Everyone here is so wise and has such vast knowledge. I think Ill stick with the Boogie cuz Im kind of likeing the tone of it. But it still has these high pitched rings when I play. If I sent it to Mesa Boogie or a Mesa Boogie tech would they for sure be able to fix it? Maybe the guy at my local shop doesnt know what hes doing cuz there is definately something wrong with it.
          I think Ill just buy a new cab so I can fart around with this one and if it messes up im not S.O.L. Is sending it to Mesa Boogie or a Mesa Boogie service center the best idea? I like the mesa I was just really frustrated about this whole thing. thanks folks.


          • #20
            Re: What would be better than a Boogie?

            I played a Carvin Legacy, and to me it sounded like absolute a$$ for metal. One question that no one has addressed yet is this: do you plug straight in to your amp? If you have a lot of noise coming from your speakers, it could very well come from just about anywhere: too many effects boxes, bad cable, bad ground in the guitar...

            As for the "ring", just a guess, but I am thinking that maybe,just maybe, it's in your pick attack. Have you tried different guitars? Or even different people playing your rig?


            • #21
              Re: What would be better than a Boogie?

              Id love an Uberschall or however you spell it. Ive heard they are killer. Ive never even seen one though so the odds of playing one are slim to none. I emailed the mesa boogie tech that someone posted in this thread but that was thursday i think so bad timing on my part. Hopefully he'll reply this week. This problem is getting worse the more I play it. But its my only amp so its so hard not to play. And that amp sounds pretty good with my rhoads. Thanks folks.


              • #22
                Re: What would be better than a Boogie?

                Why not try out a good ole' Metaltronix? I love mine! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


                • #23
                  Re: What would be better than a Boogie?

                  You want an amp that will kick your Boogie's ass...

                  ....Uberschall if you have the $$

                  5150 if ya don't.
                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                  • #24
                    Re: What would be better than a Boogie?

                    I called that mesa guy and he was pretty cool. Hes sending me some preamp tubes to see if that will fix the problem. I love MESA!!! lol. they are cool amps for the price and it works for me till I find something better.


                    • #25
                      Re: What would be better than a Boogie?

                      Yeah, the people at Mesa are really friendly, when I was ordering tubes, I ordered 5 12ax7s...and I get 8 EL84 tubes...and my receipt says the right order...but I have the wrong tubes, so I call them, and the guy in the shipping department says to just keep the EL84s as a gift from Mesa, and that he'd make sure the right order got sent out. I'm a little confused,'re happy with the service at Mesa...and you just said "I love MESA!!!" but then you say it works for you until you find something're still looking for another amp?



                      • #26
                        Re: What would be better than a Boogie?

                        yeah im a confusing person. Im not looking for one now. But im always looking for new cool stuff.
                        It does its job or at least will when I fix it or get it fixed. But someday id like to go for something a little more insane and something unique. I just said I love it till I find something better. I know there is nicer stuff out there just havent found it yet and it will be a while. But I like the MESA till I find something better. Mesa is pretty cool. Guess they just have tons of tubes and can afford to give them out. sorry if im so confusing im just a little burned out since i cant get any sleep at night lately. Its all this worrying about my amp. lol that and knowing all my nieces and nephews are coming in a week.

