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  • Rivera?

    Hi gang
    Anybody out there own a Rivera? I am thinking of making the trek to try one out, (a ways away) cuz' I'm thinking it's time for a real amp of some sort. Don't really want a Boogie, they're ok but it seems you have to tweak the hell out of them and run them really loud to get a good tone, which I can't always do. They also seem to break down a lot, and I want a better clean sound than that. I was hoping a Rivera would have a good heavy crunch with a better clean sound than Marshall or Boogie. I like a lot of different types of tones, so versatile is good. Soldano sounds good but is way too much $$, and hard to track down where I am. Was also thinking of trying a 5150, but I keep hearing/reading that it has a muddy bottom end?

  • #2
    Re: Rivera?

    Riveras rule. Check out their website, listen to the sound clips, go to the artists area and link to some of their sites and listen to their links. These are my favorite amps. I am on my second one, and would buy more if I had the dough.


    • #3
      Re: Rivera?

      riveras are awesome. i wish i had more money so i can buy one. the cleans are the best in the business in my opinion and the distortion channels are very rock and doesn't really do the high gain thing.
      i think the models i tried out at the store was a duo 12 and a rake, so they might have high gain models that i haven't tried.


      • #4
        Re: Rivera?

        data187, you're right. I own 3 M-100s, a R-55, and a Hammer 120 (power amp). None of the amps have shred distortion...more like a super thick crunch tone with medium sustain. Most guys run a tubescreamer/OD pedal in front if they need a boost for leads. I'm mostly a M. Schenker pentatonic type player, so it's straight into the amp for me. Every other amp I've tried to buy, and keep (including Soldano Decatone) have left within a month. Rivera's clean sound is superb as well. I collect old Fender amplifiers, and occasionally play one for the "mojo". My Rivera's can nail silverface OR blackface depending on how the notch filter is set. The only thing bad I've noticed is that the amps really shine with power hungry speakers. My M100's (all combos which I slave to a seperate power amp or run extension cabs with) all are loaded with either JBL G-12 or EVM speakers. This is a major price upgrade, but well worth it. Even my 4x12 cabs have the EVM speakers. My R55 has an 85 watt Celestion and it sounds like crap compared to the M100s. I usually run the R55 through an EVM loaded 4x12 and it's like removing a blanket from the amp. But all in all the Rivera amps crush.

        some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

        some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

        and finally....

        i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


        • #5
          Re: Rivera?

          They can absolutley do metal and shred distortion without anything. It depends what you are looking for, which is why I recommended that he go to their site and check out the clips and the artist clips on their website. I think it is misleading when people say "can't" or you need. Riveras are certainly capable of producing whatever tones you need, just like Soldano, Bogner,...I let some metalheads try my Rivera and they were shocked at the tones coming out of it. All they had was a Les Paul Custom going straight in to channel one. They were able to dial in old school metal, Randy, Yngwie, and heavier. Plus Rivera will help you "mod" the amp to your preference and will tailor them if bought new. Very versatile. Not all Riveras will do this, but RIVERAS can do this. Keep in mind, that my amp was designed for SRV blues stuff.


          • #6
            Re: Rivera?

            Other than the gain statement, MD is right on. My amp also uses an EV...mine is a 15". The amp totally rocks.


            • #7
              Re: Rivera?


              Why generalize about a whole line of amps, but a model or two. Not every maker makes all of their product to do one thing. Riveras can do metal. It can happen. Are you familiar with all of the models? Infact, quite a few of the newer models are geared to do it. If you have a model that is geared for it and you can't do metal it is the player. Let him do his research and find out which ones he needs to check out. Even I said that not all models will do the high gain thing, but don't wipe out an entire company. Then again there are some people that swear JCM 800 can give you metal (they might need a pedal but...) A Soldano might need a pedal if it isn't perfect to you. a Bogner might need something if it isn't perfect to you. How many people here use a Pro Q with their CAE. Sorry Pete, although I respect your opinion I think it is just wrong to be so biased. As I say with all gear taste question, GO TRY AS MANY OUT YOURSELF AS POSSIBLE. What I like and what Pete like doesn't mean squat to your ears. Besides, metal is different things to different people. Anyone want to host a clip of a dude ripping through my Rivera? If so, I have two 30 sec clips of a LPF member playing my custom through my Rivera. My Rivera is NOT voiced for metal and it does metal. He gets a pretty cool tone with 5 sec of tweaking of the amp, no pedal, and the gain IS NOT MAXED. This would be a starting point, but he sounds awesome. This guy IS old school metal.

              [ July 03, 2003, 04:26 PM: Message edited by: BigDaddyD ]


              • #8
                Re: Rivera?

                BigDaddyD is right about Paul Rivera...the guy will get on the phone with you and help you with whatever you need. My statement regarding gain characteristics was about MY amps. The Knucklehead Reverb head is wicked. In my opinion it will melt the's just not my thing. I like medium gain cuts down on the mosquito factor. Check a few out. You won't be dissappointed. BigDaddyD, what models do you have? The one with the 15, is that a Duarte?

                some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                and finally....

                i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                • #9
                  Re: Rivera?

                  Hmmm... I said he should check one out first, and in my opinion I don't like em for metal. I don't see how that is me being biased. I have my likes and dislikes, and Riveras just don't do a whole lot for me. I wouldn't buy one without playing through it first no matter what some internet guy said.

                  One could certainly take the opposing view that BigDaddyD is biased, just in the opposing corner. I never said they were bad amps, I can just think of several amps offhand that for metal would work much much better for me. Here's a list of amps I would rather have for metal than a Rivera - these are amps I've played, not just heard clips or heard someone else play through:

                  VHT 50/CL or UL
                  Bogner Ecstacy 101B
                  Mesa Dual or Single Recto
                  Mesa Mk IV
                  Mesa Mk III
                  Line6 Vetta (no joke)
                  Voodoo Amps Witchdoctor
                  Voodoo Amps Hex
                  Marshall TSL (If I wasn't worried about reliability... the Riveras are built about 10x better)
                  Egnater TOL100

                  I could add to the list, but that's a start. Again, my personal opinion only, and those are amps that I have either owned or been able to sit down and mess with for at least an hour or two - not a 5 minute knob spin at guitar center.



                  • #10
                    Re: Rivera?

                    What I said was that you shouldn't write off a whole company because some of the models aren't made for metal. I also said many times that he should try one. I am not biased at all. I even said what is good for Pete and what is good for me, might not be what you like (well something that.) I just hate when people on this forum write off companies because they aren't CAE, SOLDANO, BOGNER OR MESA. It is foolish. Go out and try your own thing. I trust what you say Pete, because I am experienced, but some people here that ask for advice follow it like it is a commandment. Now, all I ask is for someone to posts these clips and you will see that your average Rivera can do metal. Whether it is your (not Pete) metal, well that is up to you. Different strokes for different folks. I hate Mesa amps, but I would write off the company. I would take the cheapest Rivera over a Line 6, but I dig the Line is an individual thing.

                    [ July 03, 2003, 05:28 PM: Message edited by: BigDaddyD ]


                    • #11
                      Re: Rivera?

                      bottom line: I think the original poster should check the amps out in person - my opinion, your opinion, my mailman's opinion, the dog down the street's opinion... really don't mean squat. Same thing for clips. Best bet is to actually check the amps out in person.



                      • #12
                        Re: Rivera?

                        Originally posted by BigDaddyD:
                        What I said was that you shouldn't write off a whole company because some of the models aren't made for metal. I also said many times that he should try one. I am not biased at all.
                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">
                        Originally posted by BigDaddyD:

                        Riveras rule. Check out their website, listen to the sound clips, go to the artists area and link to some of their sites and listen to their links. These are my favorite amps. I am on my second one, and would buy more if I had the dough.
                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Right. You aren't biased at all. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]



                        • #13
                          Re: Rivera?

                          Originally posted by markpb:
                          They sounded superior, so I am making the trip to try a couple out.
                          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Er, don't worry guys, I'm off to try one. I just wanted an opinion or two, to get a feel for what they are good for. Thanks much to both of you. [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img] Twisteramps, what were your impressions of a 5150? As far as Bigdaddys question concerning different kinds of metal, I guess I'm changing a bit in that regard. I was all about scooped and chunka chunka for a long time, but now I like a good midrange vibe for a fatter sound and a better tone.


                          • #14
                            Re: Rivera?

                            Originally posted by markpb:
                            Hi gang
                            Anybody out there own a Rivera? I am thinking of making the trek to try one out, (a ways away) cuz' I'm thinking it's time for a real amp of some sort. Don't really want a Boogie, they're ok but it seems you have to tweak the hell out of them and run them really loud to get a good tone, which I can't always do. They also seem to break down a lot, and I want a better clean sound than that. I was hoping a Rivera would have a good heavy crunch with a better clean sound than Marshall or Boogie. I like a lot of different types of tones, so versatile is good. Soldano sounds good but is way too much $$, and hard to track down where I am. Was also thinking of trying a 5150, but I keep hearing/reading that it has a muddy bottom end?
                            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">try a peavey XXX they ****ing ripp man ! 8 times heavier than a Boogie and a hell of a lot cleaner tone , I am surprized that more people don't play these , and chicks with tities on the grill is better than just metal mesh [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] //Steve


                            • #15
                              Re: Rivera?

                              I did indeed go to their site and check out the clips. They sounded superior, so I am making the trip to try a couple out. They certainly sounded (K-55 esp.) like they could do shred. I use high gain a fair amount of the time and it sounded great. I like a good fat high gain, I don't go for the raspy, scooped, solid state Pantera type tones. Even if the gain is only medium, if the clean channel rocked, I still would be interested, since i could just use an overdrive to boost it. A lot of times, when people will only take an amp if it has an over-the-top gain channel, I think it's just to cover up picking hand problems anyway. I'm hardly the greatest picker in the world, but I am trying to cut down on the ultra-gain for that reason.

                              Thanx for the info, BigDaddyD, and Md, much appreciated. P.S. Schenker rocks!!

                              [ July 03, 2003, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: markpb ]

