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Ultimate Setup

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  • #46
    Re: Ultimate Setup

    stu that Virgin is fu*kin sweet, I would kill for a guitar like that [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

    also mariner99 what kinda amp is that?



    • #47
      Re: Ultimate Setup

      Well i would say my mesa butthe recto is going to be traded soon. so here is my futrure set up that i should have within the next few weeks.

      Peavey 5150

      Mesa recto cab

      Marshall jcm 800 cab wiht two celestions and two black widows.( this cab has some insane crunch)


      • #48
        Re: Ultimate Setup

        5150 + mesa cab = sweetness [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

        also StuT, how much did the Custom Virgin cos ya?



        • #49
          Re: Ultimate Setup

          Originally posted by mariner99:
          It's a Plush 3000G - made in the USA in 1971. All tube and really REALLY loud!
          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I thought that was a Plush, those were really well made amps.. similar to Sunn tubed amps.
          I'd love to hear it sometime. You see them pop up on ebay now and again.. I'm tempted..(like I need another seat cushion)


          • #50
            Re: Ultimate Setup

            Yeah, it's a sweet amp. They were designed to sound somewhere between the Fenders and the Marshalls at the time. I heard that their design was a little too close to Fender's, so Fender shut them down just as they were really starting to take off.


            • #51
              Re: Ultimate Setup

              It's a Plush 3000G - made in the USA in 1971. All tube and really REALLY loud!


              • #52
                Re: Ultimate Setup

                what kinda sh*t do ya play though it then?

                looks like its pretty gig-proof



                • #53
                  Re: Ultimate Setup

                  I'm still playing the same rig I've used for the last few years now:

                  You can see the wireless in the back shot:

                  The thing I like best is that it won't break my back - weighs around 60 lbs or so... that and my groovy purple clip-on fan (not just anybody has a purple clip-on fan!) Both preamps pretty much tend to the Fender cleans / Marshall drive camp, so you can tell I'm not covering Diecide with it [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] I run a couple Mesa 1x12s and that's the whole deal...


                  • #54
                    Re: Ultimate Setup

                    D, that is a great little rig.. I'm thinkin of consolidating all of my gear down to get that kind of flexibility w/o breaking my back.
                    I'm curious as to how you're running that.
                    Do you split your guitar signal a/b into the Rocktron and the JMP? Then do you run each preamp off one side of the Mesa?

                    I'm tired of breaking my back lugging so much about, 1 rack and couple 1x12's sounds like it's good club rig.

                    [ August 03, 2003, 04:20 AM: Message edited by: charvelguy ]


                    • #55
                      Re: Ultimate Setup


                      Thanks for the compliment. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                      That guitar (and the other one by it) are actually mis-labeled as "Virgins". I did that, because most people are more familiar with the name "Virgin" of BC Rich fame, than the original name "Scythe".

                      A fellow named Neal Moser who used to work for BC Rich designed the "Scythe" shape, the "Bich" shape, among other shapes. He later left BCR to start GMW with Lee Garver, and retained the "Scythe" (which is actually slightly different than the "Virgin").

                      The Scythe with the broken glass graphic is actually a Neal Moser Custom Guitars original, with his own logo on a line of guitars that they used before switching over to just GMW. I got that one from a company a few years ago who had it on Ebay--the guitar was made I guess in the early/mid 80s? The one with the fancy quilt top is a GMW custom Scythe that I had made for me, which is custom'd up the wazoo, right down to a custom GMW logo a friend designed for me. The cost on that guitar was just above the $3000 mark.

                      I've always loved the Scythe shape, but I'd never really seen any of them around to actually try out. I asked Lee at GMW about the shape, and he kinda smiled and said "well actually Neal Moser designed it, he's the M in GMW" and I started grinnin from ear to ear hehehe. Funny thing was, during the process of waiting for the GMW Scythe to be made, I found that Moser Scythe, and was finally able to get an idea of one of these would actually play like. Awesome guitars. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]



                      • #56
                        Re: Ultimate Setup

                        here's my pride and joy, and i can carry it all by my slef, hehheh. no need for effects live, this is heavy metal. dry crushing metal with a hint of reverb. the rest is in the song writing.
               (el-84) and vertical 2x12 recto.
                        Widow - "We have songs"




                        • #57
                          Re: Ultimate Setup

                          The rack:
                          Mesa/Boogie Mk-IV
                          Mesa/Boogie Dual Racktifier
                          Mesa/Boogie 4x12 stereo cab (metal grill)
                          TC Electronic G-Force
                          TC Electronic Chorus/Flanger/PM
                          Axess Electronic Switchers
                          Rocktron MIDIMate
                          Furman light & power module
                          Boss TU12 tuner


                          • #58
                            Re: Ultimate Setup

                            Originally posted by StuTDavis:
                            Eh, what the hell... Here's my little slice of crapola in life... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yuor the guy with the gmw scythe, I knew it was someone on this board! I've had o so many dreams about that guitar !!


                            • #59
                              Re: Ultimate Setup

                              Yup, that's my little guitar collection, most of it anyway. And that's my Scythe. Well, Scythes. They're like family...but not nearly as annoying as family. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                              I'm glad you like it...or, maybe you don't like it... Tell me...are these dreams, or nightmares? It is named after a dangerous implement, after all... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Okay, bad joke.



                              • #60
                                Re: Ultimate Setup

                                Originally posted by StuTDavis:
                                They're like family...but not nearly as annoying as family. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Let's see, this sounds like a list. Just off the top of my head,

                                1. You can pick your guitars. (Sorry.)
                                2. You can touch your guitars whenever you want, and it is never icky or illegal.
                                3. If you really want, you can sell your guitars. Or loan them. Or even give them away for good, and they will never come back unless you let them.
                                4. If something about your guitar is broken, or needs work, you can work on it and it WILL get fixed. Or at least better.
                                5. If your strings are dead, no worries: new strings!
                                6. If some of your guitars embarrass you (pink?), you never have to take them out of the house.

                                Ok, that is the best that I can do without being too clichéd.

                                The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.


