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amp gain

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  • amp gain

    Just how important is a high gain amp .vs. the clear channel when I use distortion effects? My small Marshall practice amp bit the dust a couple days ago and I'm not sure that I wanna go back with a solid-state small amp. I’m thinking of a head and cab but stuck in the dilemma of having to crank it to get the tone I want. I need a versatile amp due to the fact my son plays in a band and I play in my computer room, I can't afford 2 different set-ups. I was thinking maybe a 5150 or a XXX, but how good are those clean channels? I'm into 80's rock and he is into nu-metal and screamo, yes I'm in a pickle lol.... any help? Thanks
    I forgot to mention I had thought about a Peavey Bandit but I dont think that would be the best idea with him and his gigs. Thanks again

  • #2
    Re: amp gain

    The clean on the 5150 is okay. Nothing special. The gain is insane. I think the XXX has a better clean channel and it has 2 dirty channels, one marked something like crunch and the other marked ultra. I LOVE high gain but I find the crunch channel on the XXX has a bit more personality than the ultra channel. However, both channels have over the top high gain. My only gripe about the 5150 is that it's noisy. My friend has the combo version and especially at high volumes there seems to be a constant hiss.


    • #3
      Re: amp gain

      you might want to look into a peavy "classic" and a distortion pedal. the classics sound great and do the 80's stuff and brown sound awesome. but not nu-metal. for that i'd get a boss ds-1 or a metal zone.
      Widow - "We have songs"

