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Preamp help! Mesa studio vs ENGL 530

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  • Preamp help! Mesa studio vs ENGL 530

    Currently I am using a mesa 50/50 power amp into a 4x12 vintage 30 cab. I have a pod pro as my preamp, and i would prefer something better for live use.

    Im looking for a cheaper upgrade in the $300-$400 range, and am considering the mesa studio pre or the ENGL 530 preamp. Where I live i wont be able to test either. So any opinions on either of these preamps?

    I play music along the lines of old metallica, symphony x, dream theater, opeth, satriani, vai, etc.

    Opinions on either preamps are welcome! Or a different recommendation all together.

    Thanks in advance! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Preamp help! Mesa studio vs ENGL 530

    From what I've heard, if you're thinking Mesa, go with the Quad rather than the Studio. It's supposedly a higher gain preamp. I was thinking the same thing you are, but in the end and after a TON of research, said "to hell with it", and stuck with my POD. If you're stuck on getting one though, the Mesa Quad, or the Carvin Quad would be a better choice than the Studio. Can't comment on the ENGL - I've never heard one.


    • #3
      Re: Preamp help! Mesa studio vs ENGL 530

      I've played the MESA quad quite a bit, and heard Rodrigo and the highest gain of the Carvin... I would not own one, they aren't heavy enough from what I've experienced. They aren't quite the chug of Opeth or Metallica. And not as cool as Sy X (rectos and Line 6 amps).

      The ENGL, has considerably better tone IMO, but is still not a seriously heavy preamp. Apparently, the new 580 is the one to get and is quite heavy and flexible. But, at its price, not sure about that.

      Considering the range of material you are doing, which is quite broad tonally. Not sure what to tell you. You may be doing good with what you have (as much as I hate PODs) or a PSA-1 Sansamp. PSA-1s are hard to get cool, but with luck, you can tweak very good sounds out of them. THey do heavy and clean very well.

      As always, the voodu valve is a decent cheaper preamp that is flexible. Maybe worth a try. Maybe.


      • #4
        Re: Preamp help! Mesa studio vs ENGL 530

        Thanks for the comments guys, and i always appreciate your advice cleveland!

        I dont need to necessarily copy the tones of the artists i listed. I'm looking for my own sound. But do you think the ENGL 530 has the gain to put me in that range? Will it handle the chug of metallica and symphony x, and still get a good lead tone?

        I will also do some research on the sansamp as well. Thanks again!


        • #5
          Re: Preamp help! Mesa studio vs ENGL 530

          The ENGL has more than enough gain to get you in that range of the artists you listed. You can get great chunky rhythm and lead tones out of it. Its voiced more like the Engl Savage as opposed to the Powerball.

