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Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

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  • #16
    Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

    Originally posted by chris_olson:
    Feel better getting all that teen angst off your chest?
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I don't think it's his chest he's looking to get off... [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    Metallicarocks, let's take it down a notch, cause Chris went off on a rant, which IMO is somewhat humorous. No need to take it up a level and get personal, this is after all, a thread that's supposed to be about the merits of the POD vs POD XT.


    • #17
      Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

      this is after all, a thread that's supposed to be about the merits of the POD vs POD XT.
      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yes this is quite serious... Hahaha...

      "Should I have this imitation of something cool, or this more expensive imitation of something cool... Hmm... Man, I'm confused"

      I say, buy the more expensive new one. That way they get more money, and someday, they'll make them sound better...


      • #18
        Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

        Originally posted by Cleveland Metal:
        </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> this is after all, a thread that's supposed to be about the merits of the POD vs POD XT.
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yes this is quite serious... Hahaha...

        "Should I have this imitation of something cool, or this more expensive imitation of something cool... Hmm... Man, I'm confused"

        I say, buy the more expensive new one. That way they get more money, and someday, they'll make them sound better...
        </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Cleveland... [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Your love for Line 6 is rivaled by few! But you have to admit, they are getting better at doing what they do. Well, you don't HAVE to, but I think you would - you're a pretty smart guy and know your gear better than most.

        The Line 6 stuff is great for those of us who can't or won't spend the money on the real thing, or need the verstility of not having to haul 32 amps to a show. Like I said before, I really don't pay alot of attention to which model I'm using - I just look for a sound that appeals to me. They could call them 1 - 32 for all I care. I can't tell you what ENGL's, Uber's, or Diezl's sound like because I haven't seen/heard any around here. I bet I'd like them, but I'd still want my own sound/tone. I've noticed leaps and bounds in sound quality just from the POD to the POD 2. It's all good. It's just not everybody's cup of tea. I'll have to get somewhere and give the XT a whirl. Until then, I'll plod along with my 2.3 [img]graemlins/eyes.gif[/img]


        • #19
          Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

          Well, I've played the desktop POD and the POD Pro at length. And found them to be the last thing I'd want in my rack. Might be nice to have one next to my computer to lay something down when I'm too lazy to mic the rack and turn it on... They sorta shine for that app.

          For live playing... They seem mega lacking... Even the Pro. Mostly in the low end rhthym stuff. The leads do seem to stand out enough to hear live... Not exactly sure what the problem is. Even when played through a tube amp, I notice they don't project and get weird loud.

          The only thing I can say, is that hardly anyone in the audiences "really" care about tone these days anyways. My cool tone, is mainly for "my" satisfaction. So, ya may as well use one I guess.

          If enough people get PODs, I might actually stand out amongst the glut of guitarists in the world... Then again... Probably not.... Haha..


          • #20
            Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

            I was getting pretty decent tone with the POD Pro through a solid-state reference amp and 2 Marshall 2x12s. I had plenty low end - more than I would need, and I never ran the low EQ much past 2 or 3 o'clock. I did try it through a tube amp once, and to be honest, I think it was better off through the SS power amp, and DEAD quiet. The tubes colored the tone a funny way - it wasn't bad, it just kinda screwed everything up. One of the key things to using a POD live is to make sure that if you are using it into an amp, make sure you have the cab sims OFF. Otherwise it can get pretty weird! But then again, some people like that too...anywho...

            Contrary to popular opinion, there really isn't much of a difference between the sound of the desktop PODs vs. the rackmount PODs. It's all about the back panel on those as someone had mentioned before - different options to run it out to various amplification sources.

            Like everything else, it's just a matter of taste. I'm happier with Line6 than with tube amps, and then there's folks like Cleve, who will never give up the "glow". That's cool - as long as we can coexist as GUITARISTS! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


            • #21
              Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

              hey bro.. first off i know the stuff you are into, and you will NOT get the heavy tones out of either of the xt's.. nothing beats the old pod 2.x for those sounds.. the xt tends to be flabby on the low end, not tight at all.

              but for lots of various non high gain, and some med gain amps.. they are cool. I just got a vetta, and i'm getting rid of my xt, no need for it now, and the sounds in the vetta are better, to me at least.

              as for the pro vs non pro, do you need the balanced outs? and the digital io? if not go witht the non pro. the price difference is way too high unless you need those io features.




              • #22
                Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

                Terrax, did you ever try the Spinal Puppet model on the xt? I didn't find the low end 'chunk' on that one to be flabby at all. I'll admit, though, it's not as tight as on my new Rocktron Chameleon/ADA Ampulator setup, though.

                To me the Soldano model was the only really usable one on the original POD, and that for leads, not rhythm.


                • #23
                  Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

                  Originally posted by pro-fusion:
                  Terrax, did you ever try the Spinal Puppet model on the xt? I didn't find the low end 'chunk' on that one to be flabby at all. I'll admit, though, it's not as tight as on my new Rocktron Chameleon/ADA Ampulator setup, though.

                  To me the Soldano model was the only really usable one on the original POD, and that for leads, not rhythm.
                  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The "Soldano" model on the original Flextone/POD is far and away my favorite, followed by the JCM800, and then the Rectifier. I usually use the AC30 model (I think...) with lower gain for the cleaner stuff. I always use the "EQ/Presence" setting ON, and other than that, just alittle delay. Chorus for the clean stuff. Reverb is always dialed in, but it's always off unless I use the Floorboard to turn it on.

                  The "Insane" model is alright for really over-the-top stuff, but you gotta keep it under control if you use it or it becomes a mess. No compression needed there! My personal favorite going from the Flextone to the POD was the Mesa Mk II Drive model. Very cool. I wish it was on my original Flextone XL.

                  Terrax is right - unless you need the particular outputs he mentioned, don't waste the extra money on the Pro models. The desktops will do everything the Pros do otherwise.


                  • #24
                    Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

                    Yeah, I do feel better.

                    Look, I don't want to fight, and I don't want to take this on a personal level either. I don't want to butt heads with anyone. I was just foolin' around dudes. No one needs to take things so seriously. So, xxxcreaturexxx, sorry, just messing with your head. We all bs eachother here, it's all in the fun! It's nothing personal.


                    • #25
                      Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

                      I feel a big group hug coming on.. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                      Dave ->

                      "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


                      • #26
                        Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

                        Ok, everyone get in close for the group hug [img]graemlins/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


                        • #27
                          Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

                          I love you guys... [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                          Metallicarocks - I'm all out of piss, so pissing match over! We can still be friends I guess! [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img] By the way - I just got another Les Paul today, not because of Jaymz, but seeing those two playing them certainly didn't hurt the cause...

                          OK GUYS -- READY TO HUG!?! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] Hey!! Who's got their hand on my ass!?!?!?


                          • #28
                            Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

                            That's one area where Line6 dropped the ball on the XT--neither the Soldano nor Recto models on the XT are very good, in my opinion. I pretty much used the Spinal Puppet model on the xt for all my high-gain stuff. The XT version of the Insane model gives a better Mesa Rectifier sound than the Recto model itself. Of course, I really don't use that sound very much, not being a nu-metal guy. The JCM-800 and JMP-1 models on the XT also suck, but the Variac Marshall model really rocks.

                            [ August 07, 2003, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: pro-fusion ]


                            • #29
                              Re: Pod Pro or Pod XT Pro

                              I own the Pod Xt with v.1.04. I also run it into a tube 60 watt poweramp into two 4-12 Vintage 30 cabs. I get some Killer Hi-gain tones on many of the models and some Amazing Cleans . Each somewhat different from each other. I use different distortions at different settings some with delay and others with chorus or U-vibe. Lots of variables for everything. Also the Variac,Soldano,Matchless,Insane and Spinal Puppet models make great Hi gain and Clean tones with different stomps and etc. With the price of Either rack mount version you cant go wrong. The XtPro has more adjustibiliy than the Pro. Also get the FBV they are lighted and are powered by the Pod.


