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Peavey Bandit age related Qs

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  • Peavey Bandit age related Qs

    How much did they change with age?
    Ive seen one thats got a speaker out, and is 80w, but has the blue trim round the controls, not red. And also it doesnt say 'Transtube' on it. Are these still good?
    Do they sound any different?



  • #2
    Re: Peavey Bandit age related Qs

    Jamesy, Peavey changes their amps every couple of years, so yes it probably sounds diferent than an earlier or later one, but you really just need to plug into it and see how you like it with your guitar. I recomended the Transtube because I KNEW it had the ext. spkr out, which I felt would really make a midprice combo more useful as far as expandability
    goes. It may not say Transtube, but it might still be the technology they called Transtube later.

    Example: I have a Peavey Triumph P.A.G.
    60 watt 112 tube combo with an ext spkr out. It is the last of the Triumph series, and the precurser to the Ultra Series. It has 3 channels, with 2 eqs, the 2nd eq shared by the crunch and ultra channels. The earlier Triumphs had a single eq. The P.A.G. is sonically an Ultra without the resonance switch that
    gives the tight,medium and loose bass responses. The Ultra went through several versions and is the parent of what is now the XXX.

    Anyway, long and short is, crank it up and if you like the amp and the price, buy it! One tip: if you REALLY like it,
    bite your tongue or use another means to not show it. Act like it's okay, but not great, and maybe you can haggle the price. If it's just a super-great deal and you love it though, then snap it up!

    A lot of these amps will cut out because of bad or corroded contacts in the effects loop. Bring a short 1/4" cord with you if that's the case, and bridge it between the send and return, or preamp out/poweramp in, however it's labeled. If that stgops the cutting out then the problem is simple, though you don't have to let on to the seler that it is! My P.A.G. has that, and there's been a 6" cable bridging the loop since I got it in May for $235! Works just fine!

    Ron is the MAN!!!!


    • #3
      Re: Peavey Bandit age related Qs

      Thanks for your help dude.
      Dont think Im not listening to what you say. I am, and I am taking it in, its just theres hardly any Transtubes around here, and theyre all too expensive. This blue surround model is about the right price but its miles away and if I got it Id have to get it posted to me.
      Should I keep looking?



      • #4
        Re: Peavey Bandit age related Qs

        Lol thanks mate. It wasnt a cop out at all, I appreciate all your advice mate [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
        Im gonna have to have a big think. Cos the parents really wouldnt go on a road trip. My mate might... But I cant afford to pay him the petrol money lol [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
        I'm gonna have to have a proper long think. I mean I dont want to be having to buy distortion pedals or anything and I dont understand my multi fx enough to do anything like what you said lol [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] Actually I dont think its good enough. Its only a Zoom 707 (like a 505 with an expression pedal on it).
        Arg. Gonna get thinking. Cos obviously I want the newest amp available.
        Ah well.
        I might as well just email you next time Im gonna ask a Peavey Bandit question [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
        Thanks loads mate. You've no idea how helpful you've been.



        • #5
          Re: Peavey Bandit age related Qs

          No problem Jamesy, the more questions you ask the more things occur to me that I didn't think of before!

          It's quite a shame that you can't try the amp out first, but... maybe you could call the guy, and have him crank it over
          the phone for a few minutes. It's a poor
          substitute for trying it in person, but
          you could get an idea if it has enough gain for you anyway. Too bad you can't talk the parents into a road trip!

          If the price is good, including shipping,
          and it sounds good by whatever means you are hearing it, then it might be time to
          pick it up. It sounds like it could take a long long time for one to appear in your backyard, and the shops are always
          going to upcharge about 25% to 100% over what a private seller will charge. Even if the gain isn't exactly what you want,
          you can probably reprogram the distos on your multi to use more of a boost/overdrive and just augment the amp's distortion, or even use the amp's disto for crunch and get lead drive out of the multi.

          At any rate you will at least have a minimally jammable/giggable amp. If you have to hear it remotely though, make the guy blast it out for 5-10 minutes at least.

          If there's ANY way to physically go there
          try the amp and fetch it back, I'd do that. If he's 200 miles away, that's not far by train or bus and you bring it back as your baggage. If the folks would make
          a daytrip of it tell 'em you'll mow the lawn for a year or something! If you can't get to these prospective amps though, you may have to mail-order as you're thinking of. I got my Triumph from Seattle, 3,000 miles away, and that worked out beautifully. I pretty much knew what it'd do because I knew the Ultra and it's basically the same thing, and lo! it IS basically the same!

          Sounds like I'm saying two different things, but I'm really not, and you're a
          bright lad, so do as you think best!

          How's THAT for an advice copout? [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #6
            Re: Peavey Bandit age related Qs

            Rich?!?! Dude?!?!
            How 'bout this?
            Another Bandit
            Or if youre lazy ( [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] ) here's a pic

            This is a decent one, aint it?



            • #7
              Re: Peavey Bandit age related Qs

              That's the one you want, Jamesy! It is the Transtube Series Bandit 112, though the Transtube part is hard to read in that pic.

              I assume you live close enough to Brighton to reasonably pick it up, or would you still have to ship it?


              EDIT: P.S.: Hmmmm.... 0 feedback seller... maybe just a newbie... but yeah, I'd try to pick it up in person if possible. Also I see the reserve's not yet met at 150 pounds
              (Sorry, no currency indicator for that on my keyboard!); that's about $225, right?

              Anyway, even if you don't get that one, that's a good one to shop for and now you know what it looks like.

              [ August 13, 2003, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: lerxstcat ]
              Ron is the MAN!!!!


              • #8
                Re: Peavey Bandit age related Qs

                Thanks Rich mate, dude youre amazing [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
                I have been emailing that guy, and no he didnt tell me about the sound samples or the footswitch (I asked him twice about the switch).
                He says that the reserve is £151 (assh*le [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ) so I asked him to cancel the auction and I'd pay him the £151, plus the £20 postage, plus whatever fee's Ebeast decided to charge him. However he seems to think he'll get more for it (which he will [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] ) so he wants me to hold out till it ends. Unfortuneately (sp?) its only been on about 30 hours so far. Out of a 7 day auction.

                I thought that would be the generation of Bandits to go for, as theyre the newest. Ive also heard one cranked in a guitar shop so I know what they sound like. But the fatass store guy wouldnt give me a go and proceeded to play basic legato runs and attempt sweep picking before messing it up and pretending he meant to play a blues lick (tosser) whilst constantly looking for my reaction of awe. Instead, he saw all 220lbs of my rugged (read: 'fat ass' [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ) frame with shoulder length hair, stood in a black Napalm Death t-shirt, black jeans tucked into boots, with my arms crossed, looking bemused [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                That'll learn him. I'm a rare breed over here, Im young, Im passionate about my music (death and thrash with some grindcore), I have long hair, and I know my ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to gear. Guitar stores dont like that
                They also dont like 18 year olds telling them that their Jacksons are badged up wrong, too expensive, or "f*cked" (I did that once)

                Anyway, Im kinda developing more and more 'valve fear' as I progress [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] Ive always thought that you cant play them quietly, but now Ive heard about them there yellowjacket thangs, Im a little more accepting to the idea, but I wouldnt be able to play loud with those will I? What I thought was, with a solid state amp (albeit one with a valve preamp [is it?], which is what 'Transtube' means isn't it?) I can play both quiet and loud, but with minor sacrifices in gain/tone at lower volumes, and in fidelity and clarity at higher volumes. Would I be right?

                Looks like I missed that first Bravo, the second is still there though, still at £103. Seems a little old... I passed on a Bandit of a similar age, and atm, I cant see the appeal of it being valve amp. I know everyones gonna go "B-b-but why?!?!?!" But I really havnt experienced a valve amp apart from a Marshall TSL1000 combo which I thought sounded like a "goat farting through a paper bag" (thanks to whoever said that first on here, its a great quote). So Ive never experienced a valve amp. If you said to me, "this amp fits all of your requirements, and its valve", I'd be like "nice one great where is it how much etc", but if you said this amp fits all of your requirements but its a solidstate, more or less, Id be like "nice one great where is it how much etc" [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                If you get what Im trying to say.
                I was in a talking mood, and the people I rang up to speak to had other things to do (like panicking over stupid exam results tomorrow - I really dont care lol)

                Anyway mate. Thank you SO much for all your help and advice and perseverance with me asking all the same questions over and over again [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
                Thanks bud!


                PS - Wish me luck with these stupid exam results tomorrow!


                • #9
                  Re: Peavey Bandit age related Qs


                  I emailed that guy to ask if it comes with the footswitch (it does), and he said he could send sound samples if desired. I don't know if you already emailed him or not but the samples might be useful to make up your mind.

                  We're quite spoiled with US eBay! I see you have 259 amps for sale right now; we
                  have over 4,000! I did see a peavey Bravo that ends in 4 hours; only 25 watts but VALVE powered (2xEL84, 3xECC83), a 12" speaker and it DOES have an external
                  speaker outlet for a 4 ohm cabinet. They WILL drive a 4x12 cab quite loud, believe
                  it or not, especially if you're not really looking for a clean sound. It has clean and dirty channels, then has Ultra for lead boost as well. They get a pretty screaming sound, just not as loud.
                  it's at 100 lbs. plus 15 lbs postage.
                  There are actually 2 Bravos up now, but the one at 100 lbs is about to end soon.
                  The other is at 103 and says reserve not met. I didn't think of a Bravo because they aren't too common; It seems to be the configuration that became the Classic
                  30 when peavey realized people wanted vintage amps. The Classic doesn't have the Ultra boost though.

                  Always more food for thought. At least your peavey prices aren't too far off our
                  US pricing,eh?

                  Ron is the MAN!!!!


                  • #10
                    Re: Peavey Bandit age related Qs

                    K'Plah!!! That's Klingon for "Success"!
                    In exams, amp-hunting, whatever!

                    The Bravo is probably 12-13 years old; that's the age of my Triumph and they have the same era look and trim, just the Bravo has the lower-power EL84 power tubes and only 3 preamp tubes instead of 4 in the Triumph. My Triumph sounds very modern and has all the gain you could want though. It kept up with my bud's DSL50 1/2stack with the help of a sealed
                    back Fender 112 extension cab, and sounded a lot better too! Seeing he'd just paid $1,700 and I'd paid $300 for the combo and ext. cab he was pissed off;
                    he figured I did it on purpose to f**k with him. Well, I DID tell him not to waste his $ on the Marshall, and he did it anyway, so yeah, I brought over a $300
                    rig that kicked his a$$! If I'd brought
                    over my Vm100 1/2-stack he'd have killed
                    himself! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                    BTW, Transtubes do NOT have a preamp tube
                    they are all solid state. They are an excellent tube emulation circuit though.
                    Not quite the same thing, but a pretty good sound nevertheless, esp. for the $.
                    Ron is the MAN!!!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Peavey Bandit age related Qs

                      Dude you got a private message from me...

                      (No 'y'. Yes, thats the mood [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] )

