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Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

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  • Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

    Currently use a G Major in the Uberschall's fx loop. Love the way it works with the clean but not the gain channel. Might sell it for a few pedals. Line 6 MM4 sounds good when I tried it in front of the amp but read that when people gigged with it(loud volumes) they noticed some effects are louder than others. Tried the DL 4 in the loops. It killed the tone and ate some volume. Has anyone used the MM4 noticed any issues? Has anyone used delay with the Uber without any problems?

  • #2
    Re: Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

    Don't have an uber (I use a triple giant and 2150) but I honestly like the Intellifex better than the G Major and though it colored the sitorted channel les. Just my thought though. They are cheap to try out anyway.

    You had a Zinky right?
    I keep the bible in a pool of blood
    So that none of its lies can affect me


    • #3
      Re: Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

      Played thru one once. It was good but not great IMO.


      • #4
        Re: Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

        Hey yngzaklynch I consider the uber as a plug and play. If it were me I would have my guitar my uber and a monster cord in between thats it. I've been wanting 1 of those babys for a while but settled for a powerball which is an a and the uber an a+. Just mho


        • #5
          Re: Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

          I think putting medium quality units in front of such a high quality amp is kind of like buying a Ferrari and putting a dodge neon exhaust system on it!, sorry for the poor analogy, but I think high quality gear deserves eachother!

          I think you should check out several high end pieces, such as the TC electronics G force, it's the big bother of the g major, but it's high end quality, used they go for great prices now a days!
          also the TC2290, something I am getting, along with an eventide harmonizer, which has more than just pitch shifting, these units might be too much for some people, but if you want little colouration to your tone these are good ideas
          then there are the lexicon units such as the pcm 70,80,81,90 all these units are studio grade cost alot and are simply amazing!

          just a few bits of advice



          • #6
            Re: Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

            How exactly doesn't the G-Major sound good with the amp's gain channel going?

            The G-Major is definitely a high-quality effects unit, and if it's not sounding good in there to you, I'd wonder that you've either the G-Major needs tweaking, or you're just slamming too much gain through the Uber than would sound good with much of anything.



            • #7
              Re: Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

              Yngzaklynch, this is Patrickjp from the HC forums.

              try using a quadraverb lol!

              I have the same one I bought in 1988 and it works great in the effects loop


              • #8
                Re: Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

                Well it's not terrible. I think I'm just going to run a Fulltone Choralflange in front and use the G Major for delay and reverb. As far as why I don't like it on the gain channel... well it just smooths out the gain tone a little and it's enough to annoy me. But it's not really noticable. I think I'll mostly just use the chorus out front 80% of the time anyway.

                Thanks for replying everyone.


                • #9
                  Re: Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

                  I don`t even know what a G-Major box does, but if the Uber is anything like my VHT Pittbull CL-100, which I think it is, I would fiugure it a plug and play amp also, my VHT neads nothing but playing it loud, I love the raw sound and no coloring, but it picks up every one of my mistakes, but I think that is good, because I nead tons of practice [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] Jack.


                  • #10
                    Re: Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

                    The Uberschall and the VHT stuff are pretty different animals...

                    After playing one for 6 months. I'm leaning towards the thought that the Uber is pretty much aimed at the Recto crowd. Sorta what a recto should have been.

                    Ubers are awesome amps, but, I think I'd look to VHT CL/Ultra Lead or SLO maybe for a head at this point.

                    That said, I'd look to a G major or intellifex. Don't know much about the other piece mentioned by Thingman. He should know though, he got some great tones out of his Uber.

                    [ August 28, 2003, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Cleveland Metal ]


                    • #11
                      Re: Effects advice for my Bogner Uberschall

                      I have actually made my VHT Pittbull CL-100 more Recto sounding, by changing to EH EL34/6CA7 Big Bottle tubes, they are the best sounding tubes I have ever tried. It gave me more headroom, more bottome end, and an even more scooped sound, but the thing it did the best, is made my amp more loud and clear at higher volumes, matbe that is where the headroom part comes in and my Madison 4x12 [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] Jack.

