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Good noise supressor?

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  • Good noise supressor?

    Hey, I want to check out some good noise supressors that aren't a lot of old Intellifex has a Hush in it, but if I dial that in to take all the hiss out of my distortion channel, then it cuts off notes that are sustaining when I'm playing with clean tones...not good! I'm open to any suggestions, but I'd really like something that has two inputs and outputs.

  • #2
    Re: Good noise supressor?

    As far as i know, none of the rocktron units current or out of production had 2 inputs and 2 outputs. The 2 channel models were not independant mono channels.


    • #3
      Re: Good noise supressor?

      Turn the gain down [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: Good noise supressor?

        Rocktron Guitar Silencer. I have one, and it's absolutely fantastic. Cuts out all the hiss and other noise, with no loss of sustain or any other problems.


        • #5
          Re: Good noise supressor?

          Originally posted by Gilbert:
          As far as i know, none of the rocktron units current or out of production had 2 inputs and 2 outputs. The 2 channel models were not independant mono channels.
          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I've got a Rocktron Hush Super C ( thanks to Tim Krueger) and it has 2 ins and 2 outs.-Lou
          " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


          • #6
            Re: Good noise supressor?

            HUSH Super-C here, 2-ins, 2-outs...

            I use mine between my guitar and rack preamp, to calm the noise coming from a highly-boosted EQ and a distortion pedal, and it really does a good job there. I'd bet it would do a good job in the signal chain elsewhere, but don't have that much noise elsewhere. I've had good results with using the HUSH units in the Prophesy and Voodu Valve units I've had.

            Another good feature of the HUSH Super-C is it has BOTH the HUSH system in it AND a standard Gate in it, and both seem to be pretty good. You can use one or the other, or both at the same time if you want. Gives a little flexibility in trying to find the best method of quieting the noise, in putting both techs in one package.



            • #7
              Re: Good noise supressor?

              John you have a Furman PQ-3 right? I think that is where most of the noise from my rig is coming from...I love what it does to my signal, but it's so noisy and hissy! Anyway, stereo ins and outs are really that important, I just wanted to sorta keep everything in the rack even, if that makes sense...but I am also a really cheap dude, so I might end up getting one of the Boss Noise Supressor pedals...


              • #8
                Re: Good noise supressor?

                Well, the pedal likely won't help as it's before the noise. The Furman is horridly noisy 70s technology. I like mine, but it's really noisy.

                I'd run the intellifex last, and use the hush at around -35, and get good with rolling the guitar volume off when you stop playing to help the hush clamp the signal down. When you go clean, MIDI switch the HUSH out.


                • #9
                  Re: Good noise supressor?

                  That's sorta what I do...but the problem lies in a certain patch I's a chorus/reverb/delay patch (my attempt at replicating Criss Oliva's tone from Summer Rain, for those who are interested), and I use it on both the clean and distortion channels. The problem is, in order to keep it sounding clear on the distortion channel I gotta keep the gate up pretty high, but when I switch to the same patch on cleans, it cuts out the note sustain...I guess I could just write a new patch though eh?

                  [ August 31, 2003, 11:53 PM: Message edited by: Boxcar Willie 84 ]


                  • #10
                    Re: Good noise supressor?

                    I have settings like that too... yep, another patch man...


                    • #11
                      Re: Good noise supressor?

                      I have a HUSH IIcx which is stereo and the channels are independant.

                      I have a Rocktron Pro Q for sale. $200, and it has an excellent stereo hush in it. But they aren't indendantly controllable.


                      • #12
                        Re: Good noise supressor?

                        haha Rad...I wanna make a patch that'll do the harmonies for the solo in Believe, but I gotta figure out the theory behind the harmonies first... [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]


                        • #13
                          Re: Good noise supressor?

                          Rack snobs! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                          (I love my BOSS NS-2)
                          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                          • #14
                            Re: Good noise supressor?

                            i digress.


                            • #15
                              Re: Good noise supressor?

                              I run a boss ns-2 as well but I have it racked so... I guess I am a rack snob??? Anyway. You could loop the NS-2 so it gates the front of your signal as well as the back end. That is what I do anyway. I also use the noise supressor in my Patchmate when I only want the back end gated. I have a patch setup so that I can turn the ns-2 on and off at will as well as the hush unit built into the patchmate... Is that confusing? Anyway - Like I said earlier - NS-2 - Gate the front and back of your signal and your problem is solved. Instant ON and OFF...

