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POD XT or Duoverb ?

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  • POD XT or Duoverb ?

    which one has better sounding amp models?

    i'm particularly interested in the recto, slo, and tweed models.

    does the pod xt have a delay when you switch from patch to patch?


  • #2
    Re: POD XT or Duoverb ?

    duoverbs are being liquidated all over the place at 499 (v2 is coming).. can't really go wrong


    • #3
      Re: POD XT or Duoverb ?

      the recto in the xt sounds like 10 pounds of ass.
      slo is useable, but not enough gain, have to put a tube screamer in front of it which is goofy.

      xt = not a good choice for high gain amps.
      pod 2.x = smoking high gain.
      vetta = uber smoking high gain.



      • #4
        Re: POD XT or Duoverb ?

        I would have to agree with Dave. I don't know why the XT does not sound better. It should be the same amp modeling as the Vetta. The new Vetta software comming out has a a**load of new high gain amps in it. I would look there first for high gain ( if that is what you are wanting ). Buy as Vetta I and use the free software upgrade to get the new models. Shops are blowing out the Vetta I, don't know why, it the 99% the same amp as the Vetta II.


        • #5
          Re: POD XT or Duoverb ?

          I've got a Duoverb on the way - it should get here this week. Guitar Center in Chicago had a couple left after the Labor Day sale, so I called them and it's on the way. I'll give a little review when it gets here.

          The only Line 6 amp I don't really have any experience with is the Vetta, and I haven't used the POD XT either. But I have used/owned all the rest. Keep in mind the Duoverb is a stand-alone amp, and the PODs are not, so you have to think in terms of the limitations there - what are you planning on running it along with?


          • #6
            Re: POD XT or Duoverb ?

            thanks for all the input guys!!!

            i've had some experience with line 6 products.

            i had an original pod which sounded great thru headphones but would feed back like crazy thru an amp.

            i sold that and bought an ax2-212 w/ the long floor board. that amp had really good sounding models, but it had a delay when switching patches. it also made all my guitars sound the same, whether it was a jackson or a prs.

            i also tried a buddy's flextone 2, which sounded very thin to me at band volumes.

            i heard good things about the pod xt, so that has raised my interest.

            however, a duoverb is only $499 at my guitar center so a pod xt w/ floorboard would be the same price as a duoverb.

            i actually tried the duoverb at the guitar center, which i thought sounded pretty good. too bad the duoverb doesn;t have any high gain models except for the slo and the recto. they didn't have a pod xt setup for me to try.

            i actually really like the hd147 with the high gain models the best, but that is $1299 which is out of my budget. the uber model is insane!!!

