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Samson EQ

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  • Samson EQ

    I´m gonna buy a Samson Graphic EQ E30 2x12 band. Does anybody know anything about this eq? Is it better if it is made for a guitar system or can I buy any eq out there and it will work nice before my preamp?

  • #2
    Re: Samson EQ

    If I may offer a suggestion, to get the most out of any eq in a guitar setup, it's more effective to use it after the preamp. Parametric eq's offer more control over your tone, but graphic eq's are nice and simple to use. I know this isn't really answering your question but I thought I'd throw it out there for you to think about, maybe hopefully you'll try some new things and whatnot.


    • #3
      Re: Samson EQ

      Well I+m thinking about not to buy the eq because I have a replifex in my effects loop and it has a parametric eq which is pretty nice. Thanks for the help!

