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Marshall Valvestate 8008 as Reference Monitor

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  • Marshall Valvestate 8008 as Reference Monitor

    OK, this is off topic.

    The Marshall Valvestate 8008 is a 1U rackmount solid state power amp, 80w per channel into 4 ohms. It is really basic: jacks, a power switch, two knobs for left and right levels, and a switch on the back: "Linear" or "Valvestate". Linear is (duh) supposed to be flat, Valvestate is supposed to 'sound like' tubes.

    So I get the idea to switch it to linear, and use it to power my home studio monitors: Audix MM-25s. So the path is Delta 2496 sound card to 8008 to MM-25s.

    High frequencies are distorted now, regardless of the level. At first, I thought I had blown the tweeters, so I schlepped in two old Bose speakers from the garage. They buzz too on high freqs.

    Until switching to the 8008, I had been using an OLD technics receiver to power the Audix monitors. Same source material, same soundcard, same output cables, same speaker cables, everything: no high freq distortion.

    I plugged headphones into the 8008 Left out, and no buzz. (This eliminated only the speaker cables from the loop.)

    So if it isn't the source, the soundcard, the output cables, or the speakers, I'm thinking that it is the speaker cables.

    What I don't understand is why the same speaker cables cause / introduce no high end distortion with the crappy technics amp, but they do with the 8008.

    Any electical types who might be able to help with the theory? Should I get new speaker cables? Shielded, or something? I'm confuzzed.

    Sorry to take so much space.


    ps Switch it to valvestate, buzz isn't so bad. Still there, but not as bad. But I don't want 'colored' sound from the monitors, I want flat sound.

    The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.

  • #2
    Re: Marshall Valvestate 8008 as Reference Monitor

    while i'm not familiar with your amp, i would check to see if your input levels are too high. that can cause distortion on your amp. also since the amp is made for guitar use, it might not be able to handle the frequencies that guitars usually don't produce.

    just my 2¢


    • #3
      Re: Marshall Valvestate 8008 as Reference Monitor

      It sounds to me like an impedance mismatch. Check your speaker cables.


      • #4
        Re: Marshall Valvestate 8008 as Reference Monitor

        It could also be a levels mismatch. Pro audio gear runs at a different output level than guitar gear.

