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Order of effects...

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  • Order of effects...

    Using my Duoverb now and I picked up a Danelectro Cool Cat Chorus and a Danelectro Dan-Echo. Question is, when in the loop, which effect goes first? I think I've got it going chorus into delay right now. I know there's an "effects chain", but I haven't been able to relocate it. I think I might get some sort of OD peadl too, but right now, this thing is pretty noisy! This is the first Line 6 amp I've had with NO noise gate. I might need to pick up one of those too. Anyway, let me here what you think!

  • #2
    Re: Order of effects...

    It's generally a good idea to put chorus before delay, but there aren't any real rules. Try it both ways and see if the tone changes any and go with what sounds better to you. The general rule of thumb for effects is something like...

    Guitar - wah - distortion - EQ based effects (phase) - time based effects (delay/chorus) - amp

    Of course, this doesn't always work well. And if you're using an overdrive pedal or clean boost, you probably want that to be the last thing in your chain so you don't overload your other pedals. Just throw them together and see what sounds good to you. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: Order of effects...

      can you put effects in front of the duoverb or does it have to be in the f/x loop?

      i was tempted to get a duoverb myself, but would like to use some of my distortion pedals also.


      • #4
        Re: Order of effects...

        Thanks guys! That's what I was doing, so I wasn't completely out of my mind... I downloaded a manual from Boss which should also be really helpful.

        data - yeah - the Duoverb has a stereo effects loop, and that's where I'm running my effects right now.

        The only problem I'm seeing is that it's pretty noisy - I'm thinking of just getting a Boss NS2 Noise Suppressor, and also daisy-chaining the power out of that (I think that's possible too...). I'll probably get a Boss SD1 overdrive too. I'll use that in front of the amp.

        So - next question -- where in the grand scheme of things would I want to put the NS2 Noise Supressor - the effects loop? In front of/after the other effects? In front of the amp?

        Basically this is what I'd have:
        Guitar>>Boss SD-1>>Line 6 Duoverb w/chorus>>Delay in effects loop). Where would be the best place for the noise gate to be?

        Thanks again...


        • #5
          Re: Order of effects...

          Have you thought about getting a Hush instead of the Boss? A friend of mine has the Boss noise surpressor and it doesn't seem to do much for him. He's also using a 5150 which seem to have a built in noise enhancer circuit.


          • #6
            Re: Order of effects...

            I'm planning on just using pedals, and from what I've heard, the Hush pedal just doesn't cut it. It seems almost universal that everything I've read about it portrays it as a tone robber. I haven't heard anything good yet... I think the NS2 might have a little more flexibility, which would suit me better. I don't need TOTAL noise suppression, but right now, I'm pretty damn buzzy!


            • #7
              Re: Order of effects...

              I've got the BOSS NS2 and use it as the last piece going in front of my amp. In the effects loop I've got a Rocktron Surf Tremolo pedal that's got built-in Hush, and that seems to work pretty well, but I hardly ever use it.

              My setup is a Dunlop Q-Zone pedal (basically a stationary wah in the middle type sound), Crybaby wah, DOD Juice Box overdrive, SansAmp Tri-AC pedal (triple channels for Fender, Marshall, Mesa sounds), Boss NS2 into front of amp. The effects loop send goes into the Surf Tremolo, into a Boss TU2 tuner pedal, one output of tuner into effects return, the other output goes into a DOD stereo chorus which sometimes goes to another amp for a stereo sound. I only use one output of the chorus for the other amp since my regular amp has built-in chorus and reverb that I can switch through its own footswitch. Sometimes I even use my eq pedal in the loop, but I hardly use that any more.
              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


              • #8
                Re: Order of effects...

                Personally, I'd put the gate as the first thing in the loop. That way all of he noise is killed while the delay is doing its thing. It depends on how noisy the preamp is though. If it's a quiet preamp it might be better to shove it out front.


                • #9
                  Re: Order of effects...

                  I have the NS-2; it's great!
                  "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                  • #10
                    Re: Order of effects...

                    What BM said. Also, gain-based effects such as od/distortion, wah, should be used in front of the amp. Time-based effects more often sound better in the effects loop, but it's up to you as to which way sounds better. Some people use an eq pedal in front of the amp, I think it sounds better in the loop. As for wah, that can be used before or after od/distortion, but I happen to think it sounds better if it's before.
                    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                    • #11
                      Re: Order of effects...


                      I'm all set up now, although I may change a couple pieces of Dano stuff for Boss stuff. Here's what I'm doing:

                      Guitar >>
                      Boss NS2 Noise Suppressor >> Boss SD1 Super Overdrive (in effects loop of NS2) >>
                      Line 6 Duoverb
                      w/ Dano Cool Cat Chorus >> Dan Dan-Echo in amp effects loop.

                      Simply amazing sound! I love this thing. Got more work to do, but very nice so far... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                      [ September 28, 2003, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: chris_olson ]


                      • #12
                        Re: Order of effects...


                        How do you like the boss SD1 w/ your duoverb? Can you use it in conjunctioin w/ the REctified or Solo amp models?

                        Also, check this out for your amp:

                        it's really nifty.


                        • #13
                          Re: Order of effects...

                          I like the SD-1 - but I don't use it with the amps you mentioned -- at least not yet. They're pretty good on their own accord. I don't need to take the gain past 5 or 6 on the SOLO 100 channel. I haven't figured out the Rectifier quite yet, but I'm gettin there. The tone knobs are very reactive to eachother (like the real amps I understand...), so I'm figuring out exactly what happens to the others when you crank or cut any of them.

                          This amp is ALOT like a "real" amp, especially when you use it in conjunction with pedals.


                          • #14
                            Re: Order of effects...

                            You beat me to it. I was gonna say the distortion pedal should go thru the loop on the NS2 as the first thing then the restof the pedals thru the regular line in/out on the NS2. I have my Metal Zone and my Ibanez Super Metal running thru the loop on mine and it sounds awsome nice and quiet the gate works perfectly for me.
                            If you have it at the end of the chain it will kill your delay repeat faster than you want.

