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POD XT. any comments?

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  • POD XT. any comments?

    hi guys, just wondering if anyone had own a POD XT? i never own a POD before. but i heard they are pretty good and packed with features. can a POD be connected to any cabinets? or a combo amp instead of a PA sys? thanks guys!!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: POD XT. any comments?

    Most people would run a POD into a power amplifier, then into whatever speakers you want. You can run a POD into a combo, but you would want to make sure that the combo isn't coloring the sound coming from the POD too much. You can also run a POD into the PA, but that would be a last resort for me. The soundguy would probably love to have total control of your volume, but I can't give it up that easy. I don't own a POD, these are just observations from having looked at them.


    • #3
      Re: POD XT. any comments?

      thanks Ace!! what power amp or cabinets would you recommend for the POD? yeah i think the PA sys will be the last resort too. just thought that having a POD will be a great tool for getting more sounds from those great amps. thanks! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: POD XT. any comments?

        For a POD you would probably want to use gear with as flat of a frequency response as you can find. As for cabinets, try them out. The POD has cabinet emulators, I think, so you might be able to get away with something not too expensive. Price them out and look around. A lot of it depends on what kind of music you want to play. You can probably get a pretty good power amp and speaker cabinet with a flat response from Carvin for not too much cash.


        • #5
          Re: POD XT. any comments?

          Line6 actually thought about this problem and included some options in the XT's output section to deal with several different situations. You just dial in your particular situation (i.e., direct recording, direct into PA, power amp + cabs, combo amp, etc.) and the XT makes adjustments to it's output section and re-voices its cabinet models for use in your particular situation.
          Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


          • #6
            Re: POD XT. any comments?

            Originally posted by YetAnotherOne:
            Line6 actually thought about this problem and included some options in the XT's output section to deal with several different situations. You just dial in your particular situation (i.e., direct recording, direct into PA, power amp + cabs, combo amp, etc.) and the XT makes adjustments to it's output section and re-voices its cabinet models for use in your particular situation.
            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">You CAN do that with the POD 2.0 also.

            As far as a poweramp, remember these have been made to "model" tube amps, so sometimes putting them in front of a tube poweramp can "color" the sound more than you may like. I used a POD Pro in front of an Alesis RA100 reference studio poweramp, and it sounded great. I went stereo out into 2 Marshall 2x12's. Killer rig if I don't say so myself. Now, I'm running a POD 2.0 into a Tech 21 Powerengine 60. Cool, but not as nice as the old setup I had.


            • #7
              Re: POD XT. any comments?

              or get a podxt and one of these..

              Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


              • #8
                Re: POD XT. any comments?

                If you were going to go with the Pod XT and the amp... just buy a Vetta and be done with it. I've seen Vetta I's for $800ish and up, sometimes around a grand *new*... then download the free upgrade from line 6, install it via midi, and you have SEVENTY FOUR amp emulations, each of which sound better than the XT.

                I had an XT for a bit, and owned it at the same time as the Vetta. Vetta is a little smoother, and with the V II upgrade, much more amplike in tone and feel.



                • #9
                  Re: POD XT. any comments?


                  Is it possible to record direct with the vetta?
                  Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                  • #10
                    Re: POD XT. any comments?

                    Yep. Here's a Vetta II clip I did for a challenge on harmony central... it's a really twisted jazz progression, so listen to the guitar tone, not the notes [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]




                    • #11
                      Re: POD XT. any comments?

                      hi guys thanks for all the replies!! any good power amp and cabinets to go with the POD XT? can the pea-bean shaped POD XT be use as a preamp or should a POD XT PRO or POD PRO be use instead? thanks guys!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


                      • #12
                        Re: POD XT. any comments?

                        The PodXT and the Vetta are the same processor.
                        There is also a down load available for the Pod XT
                        to give it the same sounds that Pete mentioned on the Vetta. The only differance is the Pod XT only has one amp at a time where as the Vetta will do two at once. Otherwise they are exactly the same brain.


                        • #13
                          Re: POD XT. any comments?

                          Pete. From what I´ve heard the XT processor is not the same as the one in Vetta. The XT is just based on the same technology used in the Vetta, but its not the exact same circuit. Right?

                          But, you say that the Vetta has better sounding models than XT. Do they have the same emulation algorithms or are they different ? I mean, would it be possible to just take a Vetta algo and use it in the XT? Or does the XT lack cpu power to do that? Are you comparing the preamp of the Vetta to the XT, or the whole amp?


                          • #14
                            Re: POD XT. any comments?

                            Originally posted by Monk:
                            Pete. From what I´ve heard the XT processor is not the same as the one in Vetta. The XT is just based on the same technology used in the Vetta, but its not the exact same circuit. Right?

                            But, you say that the Vetta has better sounding models than XT. Do they have the same emulation algorithms or are they different ? I mean, would it be possible to just take a Vetta algo and use it in the XT? Or does the XT lack cpu power to do that? Are you comparing the preamp of the Vetta to the XT, or the whole amp?
                            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">They both use sharc processors, but as far as I know, that's where the similarity ends. The Pod XT I had sounded good, don't get me wrong... the Vetta I have, running the old software (1.10) sounded better on the same amp emulations without any effects. I think they use the same basic technology, but the vetta has more horsepower.

                            Add effects, and it gets worse. Also, the vetta has several features the XT doesn't, even if you ignore the two amps at once:

                            Post amp EQ
                            more microphone variations
                            many more amps (was 50, now it's 74 under the 2.0 software)
                            more effects (not just number... you can stack up three of ANY stompbox models on the Vetta, just one on the XT)
                            The Vetta, even if you took the 2nd amp capability away, still beats the XT in my opinion.

                            The ONLY thing the XT has the Vetta lacks is the ability to change the 'distance' on the mics, but I didn't miss it in exchange for what I got, so to speak.

                            BTW, the new software upgrade makes everything in the Vetta sound and respond much better also - and distances it further from the XT.



                            • #15
                              Re: POD XT. any comments?

                              Ah, okay [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Thanks!!

                              Why cant they make a vetta without the cab/poweramp stuff!! Well, I guess that would put the xt out of the market [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

