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triamp question

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  • triamp question

    anoyone got a pic of a triamp MKI and MKII?

    and what are the significant differences?



  • #2
    Re: triamp question

    take a look at the H&K site. you should be able to find some pics there...

    there really are quite a lot of differences.
    the MK1 was available with 6l6s as well as with EL34s. the MK2 is EL34 only.
    MK1 has got a spring-reverb built in which you'll miss at the MK2 as far as I know...
    points for the MK2 go as far as it looks great with the blue lighted controls, but both have the front in glass which looks really awresome with the tubes glowing in the dark... [img]graemlins/drool2.gif[/img]

    I don't think they changed anything with the preamp. it was perfect as it was with the MK1, which would be my choice, coz I like the 6L6s and the reverb... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    here's a pic of mine in the sunshine togeter with my dusty PS3T... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    I know it's neither great quality nor a close up, but I don't have a digicam and it's the only one I got, so...

    I play mine for, well... four years now?
    and never had any serious problems with it, even though I once was stupid enough to not safe it in the car, so it turned around twice on it's way to rehearsal room... [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]
    except of the usual tube-change and that stuff, nothing to complain about. it's ssecond hand for about 900euro and still seems to last for ages.
    a great amp. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    hope I could help you out.
    if you still got any questions; here I am. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


    • #3
      Re: triamp question

      so tonally there would be no difference? don't care for the reveberb myself, hate it actually [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

      tested my friend's MKI and I dig it a lot, and the thing is... I can't really afford the powerball, and the dealer is getting a second hand triamp in. He doesn't know what type, but it would be 600€ less to cough up for me. My fear is kinda like the 5150 from peavey, the MKI is heavier on the gain than the MKII. And for my taste I have to boost the signal from the triamp MKI to be satisfied (which means, putting my replifex, graphic eq and bbe in the loop [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] )


      • #4
        Re: triamp question

        was too late for an edit, I meant no tonally difference except from the different tubes..


        • #5
          Re: triamp question

          I never compared them directly...
          I played an MKII before in a store and liked mine better.
          but it all depends on the EQ-settings, the cab that was connected to it, the guitar I played in store etc... so my impression was probably not that objective.
          a good sound takes a while and needs to be set up to the rest of your gear.

          got a 1960BV to play with it. sounds quite good, nice cleans and lots of punch, but I'd like to get a greenback triamp cab some day...

          as far as I know they didn't do any bigger changes in the preamp section.

          but the poweramp-tubes will change the sound for sure.
          best you try out yourself...
          taste is nothing to discuss.

          the MKI is not gainy enough for your needs?
          it's got lots of gain for me...
          if you like I can take some soundsamples of it about next weekend (gotta take my mice home from rehearsalroom for that).
          I play it mainly with two jacksons, one with EMG81, the other with J50BC. the EMGs really boost it quite a lot. you mention the hotter signal easily... but I like the J50BC too with it. sounds warmer and actually more alive IMO.

          if you're not a reverb fan you'll be happy with both I think.
          I actually love it coz it sounds really, really awesome IMO.

          the sound is very transparent (played amps that don't do a difference between major and minor chords at all when distorted... [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
          this amp won't take any playing faults. I was really frustrated coz of this when I got it.
          you hear every **** through it. it's very honest.

          only thing that sucks is the control knob beeing on the back of the amp. not footswitchable, so you gotta have a little walk to keep it conrtrolled...
          mainly use effects from my intellifex on stage anyway, so no probs here. but the built in one sounds slightly better to me.

          the EQ works great as well as the parallel FXloop.
          I'm not that much of a crunch fan, so I mainly use channel 1a and 3b for extreme sounds...
          but you will have to do some compromises with the preamp volumes. 3b will blow 1a away if you don't turn its volume down a little...

          600 would be a great deal in deed. if it is in good shape and the tubes are not older than you I'd take it in a heartbeat.

          good luck for you///micha
          tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


          • #6
            Re: triamp question

            thnx man, I think I'm gonna take it either way, it did beat the crap out of my jmp-1/peavey classic 50/50 setup... and idd the transparency is gonna set me way back since I am somewhat sloppy in my playing lately [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

            edit: I play a jackson KE-3 in A# with EMG zakk wylde set. It ripps! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

            [ September 20, 2003, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Svart ]


            • #7
              Re: triamp question

              they got a new one. the warp-t is full tube and looks like a rock.

              never heard it, but maybe you like it.
              tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


              • #8
                Re: triamp question

                yeah you're right man...
                I felt like **** too when I got it new...
                I sucked so much... [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                but you'll have it more easy I guess.
                I played an goddamn old ibanez amp before that didn't take any volumes and gain wasn't in it at all, so it was quite a shock to get the triamp.
                I wasn't playing for that long these days, but wanted to get something new I'd be able to like for years... I had to spend every cent for months, but never regretted I did.
                but you sound a little more experienced than I was these days. I'm sure you'll like it.

                but I never tried it out with these extreme low tunings...
                I dunno which sounds you're after, but I'd probably go with the warp-t then.
                could fit your needs better.

                just a suggestion coz of my lack of experience with low tunings, maybe you'll be fine, I dunno.
                two halfsteps down sound just fine tho, and the EQ could do the rest for you I guess...

                worth a try anyway. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
                tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


                • #9
                  Re: triamp question

                  isn't the warp7 solid state? ever since I booted my good ol' valvestate I said I never would settle for anything but tubeamps, and sticking to it... [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] gotta feel the pressure, not just heard the volume.

                  I've been playing for about 9,5 years now, but still every day I hear stuff that makes me feel more ashamed of my skills than any other beginner out there [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


                  • #10
                    Re: triamp question

                    looks great but no way to test it and probably a price exeeing the used price of that triamp, so the choice is kinda obvious [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

                    thnx for the tip though [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


                    • #11
                      Re: triamp question

                      Here's my quick review of the first HK Triamp that I played last year:

                      Hughes & Kettner "Triamp":
                      Hmm… Man, was this thing pretty... Blue tinted plexiglass face allowing viewing of the bottles…

                      Shame it wasn’t quite as awesome sounding as it looked. This thing has SIX channels so it seems that it could be pretty versatile.

                      I personally found it to be sort of dark or even somewhat dead sounding. Sufficient gain, but not really a crunch monster. It was a bit more defined and less floppy than the Marshall DSL. But, it’s actually sorta comparable.

                      This thing weighed a ton and was obviously quite nicely built and had massive transformers in it. I think it has potential. But, just on cursory examination, it wasn’t inspiring enough to me to really work it hard to find out. I need to look a little closer at it I think.


                      Here's the whole thread that reviewed a couple amps we went through.


